"nitro over celluose (CAB) finish" on McCarty 2020

Nitro can vary dramatically from one formula to another. The nitro our competitors are using today is not the same formula they were using in the 1950's. Also, the formula PRS is using now is not the same formula found on Mike Duncan's 2008 DGT. What we are using now is the "Private Stock" nitro finish that we've been using on PS guitars for several years.

Damn! You are making it hard to resist when I read things like this. Just when I thought I was content with my guitar collection...
But none of this is old school nitro, right? Because the EPA does not allow it for a builder the size of PRS, correct?
Nitro can vary dramatically from one formula to another. The nitro our competitors are using today is not the same formula they were using in the 1950's. Also, the formula PRS is using now is not the same formula found on Mike Duncan's 2008 DGT. What we are using now is the "Private Stock" nitro finish that we've been using on PS guitars for several years.

I was sure that, like Poly, Nitro isn't the same on EVERY guitar and brand that state the finish to be 'Nitro'. As I said above, it would be great if companies were a bit more informative so that we don't associate the downsides with either finish on the guitars. Its clear to me that PRS's traditional hard finish is very different from the thick poly finishes that cheap guitars are finished with and the downsides associated with those so it makes sense that Nitro isn't going to be the same across all brands/models of guitar too.

What I want from a finish is the hard wearing and protective layer that keeps both the colour and vibrancy of the stain without cracking/checking etc which PRS are known for. I must admit I don't find PRS necks to be sticky - something often associated with Poly finishes - so its not been an issue for me. What I don't want is to wear through the finishes to bare wood like the backs of a lot of LP's and even the position of your arm on the top can show wear relatively quickly - if its your primary guitar and play it for hours daily, that can happen quite quickly. Nitro finishes are generally softer finishes that are great for those that want to end up with (or artificially create) a relic looking guitar where as I want my guitar to look like new for as long as possible without having to keep it cased or being scared to play it. You can play a PRS for hours every day and it will still be in 'mint' condition a decade later if you keep it clean. Even a small ding here and there can be very difficult to spot.

I am not familiar with the Nitro option on Private Stock guitars as I don't own and wouldn't consider trying as its out of my price range. I don't know how well the finish holds up to regular use and is as hard wearing as the 'Poly' finish. I also admit that I am guilty of thinking the worst when I hear 'Nitro' and guilty of attributing all the negatives that are associated with hearing the word 'Nitro'. This is why I would love to know more about this so I can learn. I know some people associate Poly too with generalised characteristics and I often have to use the information I have learned from watching numerous video's of Factory walkthroughs and the finishing process with many of my guitar playing friends to try and change their minds. If people think the Nitro finish is that soft finish that wears away quickly leaving the guitar looking like a relic, some may not want to buy a beautiful looking PRS because they don't want it to look worn or discoloured with the yellowing that Nitro finishes are associated with - this is/was my fear but that's because I don't have the information to know any different.
Nitro can vary dramatically from one formula to another. The nitro our competitors are using today is not the same formula they were using in the 1950's. Also, the formula PRS is using now is not the same formula found on Mike Duncan's 2008 DGT. What we are using now is the "Private Stock" nitro finish that we've been using on PS guitars for several years.

I can state with complete confidence that this is the best guitar finish ever. This applies to the history of the universe, and maybe even alternate universes. ;)
I can state with complete confidence that this is the best guitar finish ever. This applies to the history of the universe, and maybe even alternate universes. ;)
Ditto! Love PS HG Nitro finish!
I wonder if this is less glossy though, which would required less labor. So same formula, less hand labor if that makes sense. WIN WIN!
Ditto! Love PS HG Nitro finish!
I wonder if this is less glossy though, which would required less labor. So same formula, less hand labor if that makes sense. WIN WIN!

Looks pretty much the same as the PS stuff in the videos, but it’s awfully hard to tell without seeing in person, and they seem to be prototypes.

I sure love the stuff on my PS models.
Looks pretty much the same as the PS stuff in the videos, but it’s awfully hard to tell without seeing in person, and they seem to be prototypes.

I sure love the stuff on my PS models.
It’s a big upgrade either way. The PS HG nitro finish is irresistible to the touch :)
It’s a big upgrade either way. The PS HG nitro finish is irresistible to the touch :)

Something about the look (sheen?) of nitro grabs my attention and holds it. What’s great about the PRS PS nitro is that it has all the desirable qualities of a traditional nitro finish, but it isn’t gloopy.

I think it took about 40 years for the gloop to dry on my ‘65 SG Special. I don’t have 40 years left on the planet!
I had a 63 SG that I was playing in 69. The finish was already checkering on the top. The guitar played well and the tone was good. I did use finger ease on the fret board before a set. It seemed to help my fingers slide lol..
Pity I should have kept the guitar but alas. I let it go.
I had a 63 SG that I was playing in 69. The finish was already checkering on the top. The guitar played well and the tone was good. I did use finger ease on the fret board before a set. It seemed to help my fingers slide lol..
Pity I should have kept the guitar but alas. I let it go.

Mine checked early on, too, since my college band had a van, and often we’d leave the gear in it for days at a time in the dead of winter, and take it out for a gig without warming anything up first in the cases.

Back then, I didn’t care about how my gear looked. I loved performing and wasn’t a gear hound.

“They had colleges back then, Les?”

“A couple.”
Something about the look (sheen?) of nitro grabs my attention and holds it. What’s great about the PRS PS nitro is that it has all the desirable qualities of a traditional nitro finish, but it isn’t gloopy.

I think it took about 40 years for the gloop to dry on my ‘65 SG Special. I don’t have 40 years left on the planet!

Not in this incarnation anyway!;)
Not in this incarnation anyway!;)

I’m not coming back here. I’ve already explained my position to the mystical powers that be.

I’ve got reservations to head to Tralfamadore to mate with Montana Wildhack.
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I’m not coming back here. I’ve already explained my position to the mystical powers that be.

I’ve got reservations head to Tralfamadore to mate with Montana Wildhack.

Even at 7:20am on a Sunday morning, I’m learning! Thanks Les.
Actually it was a big box attached to two wooden poles that guys carried on foot because the wheel hadn’t been invented yet.

I think I found a photo of Les' band from that era. Killer sound, they could really bring down the house.

I think I found a photo of Les' band from that era. Killer sound, they could really bring down the house.

One Day Outside Jericho...

[sound of urgent knock on tent pole]

“Open up, police!”

“I’m Joshua. What’s this?”

“It’s a citation for disturbing the peace. Either pay ten shekels right now, or I’m taking you in.”

“Are you kidding? Where would I get ten shekels? I just got in from spending 40 years in the desert! Listen, my band is doing the work of god. You think we’re marching around those walls with our band for sh!ts and giggles?”

“The people inside those walls have the right to the peaceful enjoyment of their homes. Your band is making a racket. Either pay the ten shekels and TURN DOWN THOSE HORNS, or you’re coming with me.”

“Dude, it’s about TONE! We can’t get our tone on the trumpets and ram’s horns unless we reach a certain volume.”

“You’ll have to explain that to the judge while you’re being tortured for a confession. OK boys, take this one in!”