NGD - S2 McCarty Singlecut, getting black pickup rings


Avoiding imperial entanglements
Jan 5, 2023
This is my introduction to PRS guitars. I got back into playing a few years back, having played mostly a LP Deluxe from the fretless wonder era and a MIJ swamp ash Tele with Texas Special pups. Nice axes but, having drunk the Fractal Cool-Aid for the last year and noting how many of those the guys, including Cliff, sung the praises of PRS being the best made brand I wanted to see how guitar tech has improved over the last few decades. When the Dave's website listed this axe as used, I checked out the recent S2 McCartys and noted how similar they are to the core models. The biggest question mark was the pups but at worst those can be switched out.

After getting it earlier this week and waiting the Dave's recommended equilibration 24 hours, out it came. And started singing. Between the relatively light weight and the solidity/stiffness it sounds great even playing unplugged. Plugged in, now with lighter strings, it sounds awesome thru the FM9. The only thing that I'm changing is switching the pup rings to black with the gold screws. They're coming next Friday and if anyone has any words of wisdom for doing the switch I'd love to hear about it.

So I'm now drinking PRS flavored Cool-Aid.



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Congratulations, and welcome! S2's are great, I think you're going to be very happy. And yes, many folks do swap out the pickups, but I'm actually really happy with the 58/15-S that you've got. IMO they're really great, warm and articulate without being harsh or thin
I think you're going to be very happy.
I was surprised at how much I like it both in how it looks as well as how it plays and sounds, never having had my hands on one before. I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of my buddies will start wanting one too.

The 58/15-S sounds really good so right now it's more a matter of finding out how to get the best sounds out of it given all the Fractal options and it compares well with another guitar with a SD Pearly Gates.
The slope is very slippery
That slippery slope can give a great ride!

The white ones flow nice with the tuner buttons and neck binding.
Absolutely true. The dilemma is whether to match the black/red/chrome/gold of the body or the rosewood/cream/black of the neck & headstock. Maybe I'll put up before & after shots for comparison and see what y'all think. Either way I'll keep the originals for the option to switch back.
I'm generally of a mind that light colored rings pull the eye away from the top, which should be the star of the show.

I went with black rings on my reclaimed CE24, but kept the white ones on the Wood Library in my avatar b/c it's a lighter colored top.
This is my introduction to PRS guitars. I got back into playing a few years back, having played mostly a LP Deluxe from the fretless wonder era and a MIJ swamp ash Tele with Texas Special pups. Nice axes but, having drunk the Fractal Cool-Aid for the last year and noting how many of those the guys, including Cliff, sung the praises of PRS being the best made brand I wanted to see how guitar tech has improved over the last few decades. When the Dave's website listed this axe as used, I checked out the recent S2 McCartys and noted how similar they are to the core models. The biggest question mark was the pups but at worst those can be switched out.

After getting it earlier this week and waiting the Dave's recommended equilibration 24 hours, out it came. And started singing. Between the relatively light weight and the solidity/stiffness it sounds great even playing unplugged. Plugged in, now with lighter strings, it sounds awesome thru the FM9. The only thing that I'm changing is switching the pup rings to black with the gold screws. They're coming next Friday and if anyone has any words of wisdom for doing the switch I'd love to hear about it.

So I'm now drinking PRS flavored Cool-Aid.



Nice gorgeous score!!! Enjoy, and be careful.. the koolaid tastes great and you will want to keep coming back for more!
I went with black rings on my reclaimed CE24
Did you change them yourself? If so was there enough wiring under the pickup to change the ring without unsoldering the wiring?