Thanks all. That completes the PRS Aerie , there's a few models missing , but none that light my fire.

The Chosen:
Dark Cherry McSoapy, Raspberry IRW neck McSoapy, Walnut Ltd Semi, Cherry Westie, River Blue Special Artist with flame neck, Blue Fade HB II Artist, WL Tortiseshell Triple Soapy w/ flame Mahogany neck IRW fb, Employee Custom Turquoise Santana Semi PS with Rosewood neck, Cocobolo Angelus Artist, Flame Mahogany Steve Fischer Angelus, All Pernambuco PS Custom Ricky Skaggs Grand Tonare.
Paisley Blue Sierra 50w and 2 x12 , DG30 Custom and 2 x12 cab. and oh ... the step child Jade Quilt Knaggs T1 Kenai Soapie
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Thanks all. That completes the PRS Aerie , there's a few models missing , but none that light my fire.

The Chosen:
Dark Cherry McSoapy, Raspberry IRW neck McSoapy, Walnut Ltd Semi, Cherry Westie, River Blue Special Artist with flame neck, Blue Fade HB II Artist, WL Tortiseshell Triple Soapy w/ flame Mahogany neck IRW fb, Employee Custom Turquoise Santana Semi PS with Rosewood neck, Cocobolo Angelus Artist, Flame Mahogany Steve Fischer Angelus, All Pernambuco PS Custom Ricky Skaggs Grand Tonare.
Paisley Blue Sierra 50w and 2 x12 , DG30 Custom and 2 x12 cab.
A collection for the ages! Congrats, and in an INCREDIBLE time frame!! You are Da' MAN!!!
As Grissom is one of my favorite artists and I'm quite fond of my DG30 amp I've been looking for just the right DGT guitar to match since Dec of '22 . .
A few have come close .. I saw this WL and it checks ALL the boxes , and it's the same finish as his very first prototype ( per the DG in the tim pierce vid) I've got an Offer in ...

Surprisingly I have no cherry sunbursts in my collection ( well 1 dark cherry) This one REALLY looks classic , the IRW / Braz fb was the clincher
Amen on Rosewood necks.. I have Rosewood, Mahogany, Maple, and Pernambuco neck PRS's for touch , and tone for me Rosewood is it.

Not late on the Bday Bro .. yer Early! .. ( it's smack in the middle of July) At this end of the hourglass , you can't afford to waste ANY time so PARTY on fellow pickers
Have a GREAT weekend because we all know playin our PRS' are
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Waiting on UPS confirmation but they say it may be here tommorow .. Kentucky isn't far away.. 🤞being the ever impatient lil kid I went to the site page to see what thier dark cherry looked like ... man it's like a twin
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