Will do re feedback.
I like the 9s on the DGT a lot, they feel great to me. This is my only Trem PRS, and it sure is different with the Trem springs giving way a bit to bends and vibrato. It is fine, just different.
Tone is great, these pickups ARE brash relative to the 5815 LTs - but in a good way!
Yes, my tech does fine tune the pickup height with his setups. He does it to a spec and then fine tunes based on what he thinks sounds the best. I like the setups he does, I am so used to them now that no guitar feels right to me until he has put strings I like on there and done his thing.
My favorite 9s for the last couple of years have been the ThroBak Pure Nickel Strings, I dig them with regards to feel and tone.
I don't often play with the pickup heights. I should. It has been on my to-do list for a while. (Like 5 years...)