Thanks guys, for all of your comments.
Here are some photos!
As I was looking into this color (black iris), I was intrigued to learn that it has this subtle reddish or "purple-ish" hue to it in brighter light. Otherwise, it simply looks black under normal indoor lighting.
Headset and Daniel Elam: Having played these strings now, I think I'm convinced. I've ordered a few sets and want to try them on my other guitars now.
ViperDoc: I'm not sure but I'm curious myself. I haven't had a chance to crack it open yet and take a look, but I think it will be staying in this one.
And thanks for your thoughts, JasonE. I know how I am, and I can spend hours going down a rabbit hole adjusting pickups and capacitor and/or potentiometer values. It's good to know that this one comes in right on the mark where I like it (at least for now)!
shinksma: I have not had the chance to try the Silver Sky yet, but in listening to endless videos of the SS, the SS SE, and the SS compared with the Fiore, the Fiore was consistently the one that would catch my ear. Also: In sound comparisons between the SS and the SS SE, I have tended to prefer the SE. I have also become an H-S-S player over the years, so the Fiore fit the bill for me in that way, as well.
gemynye: I'm already imagining myself getting a second one!
Over the past 24 hours, the recurring question that I've been asking myself is: Could it really be
this good? I think it is.