New Logo. Overkill or tastefully understated?

The bumper sticker logo is perfect! Now you just need to make the headstock wide enough that the logo snuggles right between the tuners.

Aw, hell... make the body and the headstock the same size and shape. Then you can do both logos! :D:eek:
Inlaid LEDs. Only way to go.

You know, a little aluminum framework, and you won't be restricted by the size of the headstock. Think a PRS version of the old Kiss logo. A little control unit with different patterns and colors...
They're OBVIOUSLY both great. If I need to vote, I vote for the PRS signature. The h*ll with tuners!! Overrated.

I'm glad to see you guys are on board. Look for these new logos to appear on the 2017 guitars. :)

Whelp....I was just getting ready to order a new guitar. Guess I'll wait until the new logos start rolling out!!
The owners manual is going to be printed in large type as well. LOL

On second thought, I'd better order soon. All this BIG stuff is going to call too much attention. The Mrs is sure to notice, and that won't be a good thing! :p
I'm glad to see you guys are on board. Look for these new logos to appear on the 2017 guitars. :)
If the headstock doesn't shoot lasers out of it, I can't commit. I'll need video evidence showing the lasers and an explanation from Paul how they will enhance the tone.
Looks about right, but needs to be backlit with fluorescent LEDs.



