Name ONE song that makes you happy & pumps you up


Cousin Eddie's cousin
Apr 26, 2012
18 miles from Markie and Nana.
At my wife’s (strong) suggestion, I spent most of the day washing windows. I took my portable music along with me and set it to shuffle. This song came on and I thought to myself, “this song makes me happy and pumps me up.” Hell, I was good for another window!

Name ONE song that makes you happy and pumped.

Hooters tend to make me happy anyway.
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Tough call because there are so many, but because my reading comprehension is good, I'll go with the first one that came to mind...

Hooters tend to make me happy anyway.

You and me both, brother - in fact, I'm going to get some (non-Hooters) wings for dinner! (I was going to anyway, but this gave me an opportunity to brag about it.)
Tough call because there are so many, but because my reading comprehension is good, I'll go with the first one that came to mind...

You and me both, brother - in fact, I'm going to get some (non-Hooters) wings for dinner! (I was going to anyway, but this gave me an opportunity to brag about it.)

Good choice, Big Al.
Hands down winner, for me. I can be seen, with flailing arms, air drumming to this tune.

and, for an embarrassing one........

It's not so much a "happy song" for me. When I was playing golf (mostly when teeing off), or when at bat playing softball, I would sing this chorus in my head. It helped me clear my mind and not be "caught up in the moment". Mostly, it just calmed me so I wasn't over swinging.
Too many to say, depends on the mood/situation. Am I pissed and need to let out some rage? "Mouth for War".

Am I in a good mood and want to keep it going? " All I Ever Wanted" by Santana

Feeling down and need a pick me up? "Rock Me Gently " by Andy Kim
Toussaint L'Overture From Santana Lotus Live in Japan
go to 4:00 and listen for 40 seconds until Carlos comes in ... That will pump you up
