I decided on the '69. No surprise, I should have asked you in the first place! What else you got going in that pedal board o yours?

I also copped your Fulltone Clyde Deluxe and of course the Plimsoul that you recommended to me earlier. Unfortunately the Plimsoul needs service which is no big deal since they're based out of LA. That's actually one reason that I decided agains the Red Which Fuzz God II, the homebase is in New Zeland... well that and that it didn't work out of the box. It's unfortunate as it seemed like it would have been a cool pedal.
I did get the Wampler Sovereign for the mean time. I really really like it so far. I needed a more modernish gain and I'm liking what I'm hearing out of the HXDA with this one.
Oh, as far as distortion goes, the Blackstar HT Dual is really bad ass tone wise. However, with it's 22v power draw, it's not the ideal pedal board... pedal. I'm using it mostly as a pre-amp for the Two Notes CAB since it's powered with a tube it delivers some nice sonic richness to a modeler.
I want to post my board but it's been in such a transition lately with the new amp. I'll post it soon.
I didn't really peg you for that type of pedal, jfb. Shows that you should never make assumptions!
Prs cables? In the lower left corner (purple?).
Very interesting! I mostly have Mogamis in my studio. I suppose I'll have to check out the PRS cables!
Speaking of noise Les (Les noise? NoiseLes?), I'm finding the Clyde a bit on the noisy side as compared to my RMC wah. Is yours whisper quiet?