If one was looking for a NF3 where would you find one ?


New Member
Mar 14, 2015
Western PA
I've googled, reverbed and ebay'd....almost nothing. I've got a hankering for a S-style and I can't afford an Xotic California Classic, and thought having the NF3 might be a cool addition.

Anyone see them at an online shop or in a local shop and can give me a lead ?
You didn't mention Craigslist. If you don't mind buying used, you find one every now and then.
Make it a every other day search and something will,pop,up. You just need to stay vigilant. You could always expand your search to include the DC3 and the EG's.
Reverb and GC are my target of vulture-like activity. Prices and availability vary wildly for almost everything, just be patient, check daily.
Don't forget that you can 'save' searches on eBay ('follow', in their parlance). Do it and you can get daily updates if something matches so you don't have to check manually all the damn time.