I Wanna Be Sedated

I think I'd be ok if any of mine were "lost". I'd be disappointed for a while, and might look back and wish I still had one of the current stock. There are none that I'd willing part with (until something better comes along...........)

I've owned at least 50 guitars since 1984. There are 2 that I wish I still had; a green '89 Eric Clapton Strat (it had that tone!), and a hot pink quilt top EBMM EVH from the early 90's. Best neck I've ever felt. Both were parted with at a time when I couldn't afford to own more than one guitar at a time. Alas, they're (or for Ruger...there, their) just physical things. That's like looking back at the 70's and all of the comic books I read the covers off of, or the baseball cards that were throw out, or attached to my bike forks for that thhhhttttttt sound. If only......But hey, I was a kid, doing what kids should be doing.....BEING A KID! I had great times with those things! Sure, they might be worth a small fortune today, but hindsight is a perfect 20/20.

There's only one thing that I can think of that I really wish I still had, and every time I think of it, it makes me sad that it's no longer in my possession. That would be a zippo lighter that my dad (who died in 1985) carried with him in WWII. It had every country that he fought, or was stationed in, engraved on it. It was one of those special things that I cherished. Back in 1990 the wife and I moved out of our apartment and into a townhouse in a nice part of town. Eight months later some knuckle head broke the basement window and made off with a Game-Boy, a boom-box, a case of beer, a handful of jewelry, and that damn lighter. Pisses me off just to think about it.
My favourite girls were the ones that I could take to a crab joint one night -- I.E. willing to be messy, in T-shirt and jeans -- and to the Kennedy Center the next, dressed to the nines, and she'd feel equally comfortable in either situation.


What were we talking about again?
I quit drinking 6 yrs ago and getting weirder every day, but learned long ago the party chick is like the party doobie..............get's passed around.
Sober, you will be able to select a guitar of high caliber, but while sober it's unlikely to choose the "party chick". Maybe the stoner guitarist loving chick that likes prog rock, but most likely not the chick that might force you to go to a rave.

Hmmm...I'd rather go to a rave than a prog rock show any day...

This is all hypothetical of course, since I'm too old for all but the kinds of chicks that turn out to be grandmas.

My favourite girls were the ones that I could take to a crab joint one night

Oh, some of my faves had crabs, too.
Hmmm...I'd rather go to a rave than a prog rock show any day...

:spitcoffee: I had to use that smiley cause they didn't have one that displayed projectile vomit.
Not that I'm a prog rock fan, it's a step short of the fusion thing I grew up on, but a rave?............. really?...............have U ever been to one?
I tend to avoid computer based music so raves are as boring to me as Gilligan's island reruns, so are the women that go to them. I'm not in the grandma area yet but I'm glad I don't have to be subjected to deep house.
Hmmm...I'd rather go to a rave than a prog rock show any day...


a rave?............. really?...............have U ever been to one?
I tend to avoid computer based music so raves are as boring to me as Gilligan's island reruns, so are the women that go to them. I'm not in the grandma area yet but I'm glad I don't have to be subjected to deep house.

Yeah, rave girls are super boring.
I don't know, I went to an Infected Mushroom show recently -- I was getting second hand vape smoke all night long, completely uncomfortable, by the time IM came on, I was miserable, and wanted nothing more than to be out of there. Kind of over the whole artificially dilated pupils look, if you know what I mean.

................sounds good :dancing: until.................... :beer: the beer goggles wear off :eek:............the hangover sets in:redface:................and all the alcohol starts to make the party chick look a little crackly around the edges:girl::evil:.

...... not so easy after all.


Actually THIS is the song that the original poster reminded me of.....and I agree with what the other have said....yes guitars are great and all, but at the end of the day they are just things.....they can be replaced.

This coming from someone who owns a PRS Private stock ME 1!

Hmmm...I'd rather go to a rave than a prog rock show any day...

You can't get away from electronic music or electronica. There are synthesizers and mixing desks at every turn and I doubt there has been an album produced in the last fifty years that doesn't have some kind of electrickery going on. I raved for many years until August last year as it happens and I wouldn't have missed it for the world, in fact I still miss it every Friday when I get home from work. It was the best part of my single life without a doubt.

Those cyber girls look cool enough to me, my GF still dresses like that to go raving
:spitcoffee: I had to use that smiley cause they didn't have one that displayed projectile vomit.
Not that I'm a prog rock fan, it's a step short of the fusion thing I grew up on, but a rave?............. really?...............have U ever been to one?
I tend to avoid computer based music so raves are as boring to me as Gilligan's island reruns, so are the women that go to them. I'm not in the grandma area yet but I'm glad I don't have to be subjected to deep house.

I write and record electronic music, it's a huge part of what I do for a living! Raves aren't exactly a brand new thing, they've been around for a long time.

Computer-based music? You bet! Been doing that since the mid-eighties. In fact, I became interested in synthesis and electronic music in college in the early 70s. I like it, and incorporate elements of it into my scoring work even when working in other styles, and sometimes I even add guitar! I've posted this track I did for Cadillac a few times, but if you listen carefully you'll discover that for the rhythm section that comes in about halfway I programmed a dubstep kind of feel instead of using a live drummer. This was the intent of the track. Went over huge with the Cadillac team. Hate it if you must, but this is what I like:

Detroit (my town) has a world-class electronic music festival every year called Movement, and it's a hella fun thing, too. Detroit House has been a thing for a very long time, as well as other styles, but I don't care about the particular styles, just whether they're done well.
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Good work Les, I've been doing a little studio work lately but there's not a lot of that being done here in the SF bay area so I've got to scratch & claw for whatever I can get. Every gig I've got since I restarted guitar-for-hire work has had that kind of backing track, I put up with it because that's the climate these days but I just get a hollow feeling from automated beats & programmed keyboard sounds. To me it's like listening to a wind up music box, shallow and uninteresting.

I think my jazz leanings makes me gravitate towards human drummers and keyboard players, and synths have little to do with it, I grew up on Chick Corea.............there's just a big difference between Return to Forever and dubstep or nitecore.

Your soundtrack to that ad is "pro" stuff and it fits the mainstream media far better than anything I can do, it's just that it's automated and my mind has an auto shutoff on it. When MIDI came around I shrugged it off, then sequencers, drum machines, and now DAW, it all makes me want to listen to real human beings. God bless you make a living at what a lot of us (like myself) part time or just hobby at, so I understand that you have to be in tune with what's going on in the media right now, I just get bored with electronica within a few bars.
I think my jazz leanings makes me gravitate towards human drummers and keyboard players, and synths have little to do with it, I grew up on Chick Corea.............there's just a big difference between Return to Forever and dubstep or nitecore.

Your soundtrack to that ad is "pro" stuff and it fits the mainstream media far better than anything I can do, it's just that it's automated and my mind has an auto shutoff on it. When MIDI came around I shrugged it off, then sequencers, drum machines, and now DAW, it all makes me want to listen to real human beings. God bless you make a living at what a lot of us (like myself) part time or just hobby at, so I understand that you have to be in tune with what's going on in the media right now, I just get bored with electronica within a few bars.

The recording I linked isn't "automated." Everything was played in, with the one exception that I programmed the drums. Ultimately, it's a recorded performance created by a human, just a different kind than you're used to. As for sequencers and DAWs, MIDI sequencing is now able to resolve at over 200,000 ticks per quarter note. That's super-fine resolution. DAWs of course are just like any other recording medium, except they're digital instead of tape.

I learned a long time ago to be open to all sound, music, and art. It's why I can be in my 60s and still make my living writing, performing and recording new music! My thinking is, why not enjoy everything? Electronica can be serious music, and incredibly interesting, but you have to realize that the idea is to do something different from what you're used to.

BTW, RTF's Romantic Warrior record is still one of my favorite records, I have it on vinyl. Here, maybe you'll like this short sketch a little better:


And...just for fun, a Western Theme that's orchestral:

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Definitely something stronger.

But all of this chitchat begs the question: does anyone feel, as I do, that certain guitars are irreplaceable?
one of the best sales guys in the investment bank I worked at 25 years ago once said to me

"Rookwood cemetery is full of irreplaceable people". I have, as you can see remembered that ever since.
There's no question that you're more versatile than I am because most of what I've enjoyed & listened to since the 80's has been jazz and music recorded without drum machines. I've been using one to create all my R&B songs, and will have to use it even for my upcoming rock songwriting project but I will be wishing I didn't have to use one. It's a big disadvantage for me not only because my productions do not sound modern enough for pop/R&B airplay, but I'm on disability from decades of computer use, I have to use Dragon speech software just to do this forum, so mousing around with Protools is not an option for me. Thankfully a local producer that does DAW has reproduced one of my tunes and is recording it with a very good vocalist, I'm exited to hear it when it's done. Still, it's not a big $ production.

Your Jazzy clip was nice, I can vision more melody there but your concept & keyboard playing is really good.

After all is said and done, I still tend to change the station or song when I hear automation, my personal taste. I don't care how many ticks it has, and DAW is *NOT* like any other recording medium. Looping has changed the majority of music out there (hip hop, pop, dance, and some rock) and I don't enjoy much of it. It's easier for DJ's to mix between songs and keeps the party flowing, but it lacks the dynamics, imperfections, and soul of humans.

Here's an example of what I feel is good human made music:

.....and it's good to have healthy debates about these things, but we did hijack this thread to "techno vs organic" land.

(back to the subject)
Les, you're irreplaceable..........but your guitars are replaceable. If they all went up in a bonfire tonite and you picked up another PRS tomorrow, you'd still sound good.............only "different".
I don't care how many ticks it has, and DAW is *NOT* like any other recording medium.

When you get down to it, no medium is like any other. Cutting to a record lathe is one thing; the ability of people to punch in and replace mistakes with tape was decried by purists back in the day, not to mention overdubs!

Sequencers? Love 'em. Especially the early ones that came on Moogs. You could do interesting things with them, and they were their own thing. And the future will bring more new things down the road that some people will like, and some people won't like.

But having used both tape and recorded to DAW since the beginning of DAWs, I can say that there are lots of types of DAWs, each designed to do different things. It's possible that you and I are talking about different things when you refer to DAW. As an example, Pro Tools, DP, Logic, Reason, Cubase, etc., are all DAWs, but each is based on a slightly different paradigm. I ran a combination of multitrack tape and hard disk recorders back in the late 80s/early 90s. The first version of Pro Tools was called Sound Designer, and you could cut two tracks with it at one time. Woo! But you could edit more easily than with tape, and we loved it.

The jazzy clip lacked a melody because it was originally composed and posted here for people to noodle their guitars to. But I like it as-is. Simple, it was an off the cuff spur of the moment improvisation.

I'm not sure about the Snarky Puppy track being any more valid than anything else out there...reminded me of a band of college professors. I mean, it sure ain't "Miles Runs The Voodoo Down." Was missing that dangerous vibe. Somewhat stiff. Might as well have used a drum machine. I did notice they were playing very strictly to a click track. So what's the damn difference?

Not to worry about hijacking the thread - it's my thread after all! ;) Truth is, I'd rather talk about this stuff than merely discuss guitars. Oops, sorry PRS!
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