Experience PRS 2020 - A Nonartist’s Artist’s Rendition


Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
Experience PRS 2020 opened tonight. Experience weekend is always the highlight of the year. I start looking forward to the next Experience pretty much as soon as the previous Experience ends. This year was no different. The anticipation built all week at the beach, and it was pretty much at peak level when we rolled into Stevensville this afternoon.


That first view of the factory is always special. Always breathtaking. Always an emotional payoff. It’s a special place for me to visit, and I love it every time I see it.


One advantage to being as early as we were was we got to be right at the front of the line, so for the first time I got to see the registration tent in its pristine glory. I’m always stunned at how the ladies who work registration remember me. That little thrill when they hand over my badge never gets old. And it’s all I can do not to break into a sprint into the event.


Something new this year - a credit card verification station just behind the registration tent. All attendees had to go through a process where they verified that you or your guest had a valid credit card in your possession. If you did, you got ushered through the gate to the left, which led to the event tents and the factory entrance. People who didn’t have valid cards were sent through the gate on the right which ushered people into a enclosed tent. I couldn’t see into the tent, but now that I think about it, I don’t remember ever seeing anyone come out of that tent.


Once inside the factory, I checked out the various dealer tables and had a reasonably nice chat with @Brian G at his table. Everything was cordial until I said nothing was really catching my eye at that point. That’s when Brian broke out his Convincin’ Club (tm). Fortuantely, Brian was distracted by someone opening a bag of Sour Patch Kids, and I was able to escape to Experience again tom’w.

Day two, as usual, was just filled with enough stuff that I could barely digest what all I took in, but I did manage to capture a few highlights.


Rocking forum members @jfb and @JustRob (labeled for those of you who've never had the pleasure of meeting them). And Jesse's rocking the 2020 Forum shirt! The highlight of the weekend, for me, is seeing the friends I've made over the years both at Experience and on the forums. Apologies for not being able to get both of their faces in the frame!
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Day two, as usual, was just filled with enough stuff that I could barely digest what all I took in, but I did manage to capture a few highlights.


Rocking forum members @jfb and @JustRob (labeled for those of you who've never had the pleasure of meeting them). And Jesse's rocking the 2020 Forum shirt! The highlight of the weekend, for me, is seeing the friends I've made over the years both at Experience and on the forums. Apologies for not being able to get both of their faces in the frame!

Sorry to say that it was not all happy happy fun times this weekend. For the first time, there was an arrest at Experience. There have been one or two security incidents over the years, all very minor as far as I know, and never once involving the police. This year, sad to say, the streak ended. Even worse, it was a forum member's doing.


This year, sergiodeblanc succeeded in taking PRSh's car for a joyride. By my count, he completed three laps of Log Canoe Circle, which gave me a chance to capture him in action. Rumor has it that PRSh was on the verge of thwarting him when Sergio pointed and yelled, "Holy sh*t - there's a blue guitar that I like!" When PRSh turned around to see, Sergio slipped his grasp, locked the car door, and vroomed away. No word on whether bodia was posting his bail.
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Experience PRS 2020 opened tonight. Experience weekend is always the highlight of the year. I start looking forward to the next Experience pretty much as soon as the previous Experience ends. This year was no different. The anticipation built all week at the beach, and it was pretty much at peak level when we rolled into Stevensville this afternoon.


That first view of the factory is always special. Always breathtaking. Always an emotional payoff. It’s a special place for me to visit, and I love it every time I see it.


One advantage to being as early as we were was we got to be right at the front of the line, so for the first time I got to see the registration tent in its pristine glory. I’m always stunned at how the ladies who work registration remember me. That little thrill when they hand over my badge never gets old. And it’s all I can do not to break into a sprint into the event.


Something new this year - a credit card verification station just behind the registration tent. All attendees had to go through a process where they verified that you or your guest had a valid credit card in your possession. If you did, you got ushered through the gate to the left, which led to the event tents and the factory entrance. People who didn’t have valid cards were sent through the gate on the right which ushered people into a enclosed tent. I couldn’t see into the tent, but now that I think about it, I don’t remember ever seeing anyone come out of that tent.


Once inside the factory, I checked out the various dealer tables and had a reasonably nice chat with @Brian G at his table. Everything was cordial until I said nothing was really catching my eye at that point. That’s when Brian broke out his Convincin’ Club (tm). Fortuantely, Brian was distracted by someone opening a bag of Sour Patch Kids, and I was able to escape to Experience again tom’w.
You are making a strong early bid for Member Of The Year by coming up with this. I tip my cap.

Usually, the final concert ends with a fairly big name band. We've had Mother's Finest. We've had Opeth. This year, in honor of the 35th anniversary, we got an all-star jam for the ages. Saying their thank yous, from left to right - Tim Pierce (rocking the contact lenses), loin cloth-era Ted Nugent, Carlos Santana, 70s bandana-wearing Joe Walsh, and in an Experience first, John Mayer. And outstanding hour of music, and that final jam on "Rock And Roll All Nite" was epic!