Ever notice PRS hate on other forums??


New Member
May 5, 2016
Maybe hates not the right word but I frequent a couple other forums and there's always people hating there....I understand there's no magic guitar but I'm almost afraid to show support due to backlash....I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks...I 50 yrs old and been playing 36 years....but it's almost a bandwagon thing on particular forums...its exhausting ...im sure some can't play a lick but love their strats and LPs!!
I would love to say, that I learned long ago not to bother even reading posts from people who don’t know their a$$ from a hole in the ground. However, I read posts on Flakebook every day that make me want to just light someone up. Usually about sports. People running their mouths about something they never were good enough to even play in Jr. High. I try to ignore them, but every once in a while I leave a little snide remark.

I don’t do well with PRS bashers though.
I believe there are two origin points for the hate:

Firstly many feel the price is a gouge. Naturally that is not going to induce happy feelings. I would guess that probably a segment of this group may actually like the guitars, and that makes it worse. Hence the dentist digs. Somewhere in the fields there are a bunch of grapes that are……sour. Worth noting the same sentiments exist for other makes like Gibson Custom Shop. It’s really an electric guitar thing, rather than just a PRS thing, but PRS is the most convenient poster boy. There is a misguided perception out there, probably propagated by the same shoulder chips, that electric guitars are nothing more than pickups and therefore why should build and woods even matter and cost so much. That line of thinking is actually wrong on two levels, but I’d rather not get into that.

Secondly some do not like their guitars to be pretty and bling. Some like it plain or relic friendly.

The old notion of sterile tones is not applicable and it doesn’t count. IMO it is all down to ears that lack sensitivity, and perhaps some grudge carried over from the above mentioned. Was never applicable to begin with, and certainly not anymore with the McCarty 594’s and JM’s. My humble SE 594 can go toe to toe with anything on tones.

Well, each to their own.
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Secondly some do not like their guitars to be pretty and bling. Some like it plain or relic friendly.

The old notion of sterile tones are not applicable, so it doesn’t count. IMO it is all down to ears that lack sensitivity, and perhaps some grudge carried over from the above mentioned. Was never applicable to begin with, and certainly not anymore with the McCarty 594’s and JM’s. My humble SE 594 can go toe to toe with anything on tones.

Well, each to their own.

I'm definitely one of those who go for function over appearance; and most of the S-type guitars I've assembled for my own use are somewhat (or in a couple of cases, quite seriously) beaten up, with scars and marks that have come from heavy use and travel. As long as the back of the neck stays free of indentations, I'm good.

I also own a McCarty (bought new in '05 or '06 IIRC) which has been well-used and, as a result, has picked up the wings and dings of my typical disdain for excessively careful treatment. Yet my other PRS guitars are all pretty much still like the day I bought them.

So I'm perfectly capable of contradictory behaviour all by myself :)
Whenever human beings get together to talk about something, somebody bashes something. It’s all just noise.

I think the noise is mostly occurring in their own heads: I take a lot of this nonsense in my stride.
I've found most PRS naysayers have never actually played one . Most of the stores here don't carry many , and a lot of newer players can't afford a Core or above. I've converted many players by just letting play one , NEVER had anyone not like them
I would love to say, that I learned long ago not to bother even reading posts from people who don’t know their a$$ from a hole in the ground. However, I read posts on Flakebook every day that make me want to just light someone up. Usually about sports. People running their mouths about something they never were good enough to even play in Jr. High. I try to ignore them, but every once in a while I leave a little snide remark.

I don’t do well with PRS bashers though.
I got out of Fakebook when all of the censorship started.
I've found most PRS naysayers have never actually played one . Most of the stores here don't carry many , and a lot of newer players can't afford a Core or above. I've converted many players by just letting play one , NEVER had anyone not like them
However at gatherings of fellow guitar enthousiasts at church, my nice PRSi get less attention than all the custom made teles or nice acoustics. Mainly because of the price tag I think and the idea that they "do nothing" emotionally. Everybody likes them fot the looks, and some buy SEs, but my nice core guitars are always untouched.
I believe there are two origin points for the hate:

Firstly many feel the price is a gouge. Naturally that is not going to induce happy feelings. I would guess that probably a segment of this group may actually like the guitars, and that makes it worse. Hence the dentist digs. Somewhere in the fields there are a bunch of grapes that are……sour. Worth noting the same sentiments exist for other makes like Gibson Custom Shop. It’s really an electric guitar thing, rather than just a PRS thing, but PRS is the most convenient poster boy. There is a misguided perception out there, probably propagated by the same shoulder chips, that electric guitars are nothing more than pickups and so why should build and woods even matter and cost so much. That line of thinking is actually wrong on two levels, but I’d rather not get into that.

Secondly some do not like their guitars to be pretty and bling. Some like it plain or relic friendly.

The old notion of sterile tones is not applicable and it doesn’t count. IMO it is all down to ears that lack sensitivity, and perhaps some grudge carried over from the above mentioned. Was never applicable to begin with, and certainly not anymore with the McCarty 594’s and JM’s. My humble SE 594 can go toe to toe with anything on tones.

Well, each to their own.

Well stated!

Owning/having owned Fender, Gibson, Gretsch, Epiphone, Charvel/Jackson, Ernie Ball Music Man, and PRS... I can say the PRS and EBMM are easily the highest-quality guitars out-of-the-box. EASILY. So quality is not an issue.

VALUE is. As great as my DGT is, I honestly confess it's not "worth" $5000. It's just not. Maybe no guitar is. My EBMM might be worth $3000.... and there's not a $2000 difference between them. In fact, there's NO difference between them, in quality. So I get the "too expensive" criticisms.

Beyond that, it's all nonsense. Sterile tone? What even is that? Does Warren Haynes have a sterile tone? Does David Grissom? Carlos Santana? Nonsense.
I am a former PRS hater. Well ignorer is probably a better term. Cost was a big reason. I ignore G and the F custom shop as well. I just dont see 3k 4k 5k of value in a guitar. The quality is there but the way it sounds is so subjective. I have a 1k partscaster with 60 dollar pickups I think sounds better than anything I own. Hence its my number one guitar. For me earlier SE models didnt do anything for me. I had not touched a PRS in 5 or 6 years. Then I bought my eriza verde 24 08 se purely as eye candy. Yes it played extremely well and sounded great, I later found Suhr thornbuckers in it. But it peaked my interest as I have been looking for LP replacements. That got the Mc594 ordered used and damn if it didnt impress. The SSse came home because of the 20% sale. I fell in love with it. When the Mira X showed up on CL for an absolute steal I bought my first core guitar. They keep getting better with everyone I get.
So many just wont let themselves like a PRS. I think alot of it is a loyalty thing.
I've found most PRS naysayers have never actually played one . Most of the stores here don't carry many , and a lot of newer players can't afford a Core or above. I've converted many players by just letting play one , NEVER had anyone not like them
Yet, MOST will claim that they have played them, and many will recite the "they just have no soul" crap, which proves they're lying. No, they don't sound exactly like a Les Paul or a Strat, but neither does any other guitar INCLUDING all the other gibsons and fedners!

And to anyone who bashes for "style over substance," ha, does anyone else here get the daily emails from Wild West Guitars? I use it only as an example, but EVERY DAY there are Fender Custom Shops that look like someone dragged them behind their car for a week, Tylers, Gibsons etc. that ALL cost more than the PRS guitars they list. Today, a korina Explorer for $10K. Anyone who bashes PRS on price is a clueless troll.
For me as a Luthier for about the same length of time (40 years ) as Paul ( and he's just a bit younger) He's been one of my BIG unknowing mentors .
His dedicated obsession is what every real luthier has , he's just made it work a LOT better. Joe Knaggs too . Most guitar players never get to play truely high end instruments , you should here the Strat boys talk about Archtops ....( dud e 50K and only 1 pickup .. no whammy .. really ??)

When the do they always have their eyes opened.