Ever notice PRS hate on other forums??

There used to be plenty of Gibson bashing that goes on here, with people complaining about Gibson QC.

People seem to have to justify their choice by slagging someone else's choice. It's silly, but that's what folks seem to love to do.
Ooh what’s my user name?

Angus McDampweiner. Of Ulm.

I haven’t liked most PRS that I’ve either played in a shop or bought online, mostly SE, S2, and CE models, but I still want to find a core model that I like. I love my Silver Sky and Fiore though.
People gather to discuss various topics. Very often, someone tosses something debatable into the discussion. Sometimes the reaction creates heat, sometimes it increases your appetite. Someone who is "hungry" often will act out so as to satisfy that hunger or thirst.

Experienced people don't engage in debate, because it often leads to conflict. The "hate" the OP speaks about is what happens when people express themselves in ways contradictory to someone else's viewpoint.

Rather than be closed-minded about something, if you're sincerely interested in intelligent discussion, why not ask questions and try to learn why people believe or feel a certain way. Doing so helps promote more peaceful discussion and discourages the common view of hateful speech.

That, and never engage people in discussion if you're "hungry." People need food to survive, and debate is like tasting something you think you like and try to devour.
I've found most PRS naysayers have never actually played one . Most of the stores here don't carry many , and a lot of newer players can't afford a Core or above. I've converted many players by just letting play one , NEVER had anyone not like them
Yes, I used to hate them based on nothing. But then I played a SE Silver Sky and liked it. And then I played a S2 McCarty 10th Anniversary and fell in love with it.

I'm in a discussion on Reddit where I said "I used to hate PRS, but then I played one, and now I have two." Someone with their own agenda replied "I agree, I hate PRS guitars." I replied to them "So how many do you have now?" :)
There’s a misconception out there that electric guitars are merely pickups on a dormant platform, nothing more. That’s why people are understandably sore when they see high end models costing so much.

What they don’t realise is that pickups and amps are merely meant to be replicas of string movement. In fact the best pickups and amps are the ones that replicate string movement perfectly, without adding their own interpretations. The fact that electric guitars sound like guitars when amplified, and not elephants, means the original design intent is successful.

See, I just need my translator to translate meaning perfectly. Please do not add any thoughts or perceptions of your own. If my French colleague says “I want a piece of cake”, please don’t translate it as “I want a piece of gastronomic joy”. The French colleague is the guitar and its inherent string vibration, and the translator is the pickup.

So a good electric guitar that has a musical pleasant tone from its inherent string vibration, is worth the money IMO. I’m not talking about sustain but the actual quality and character of the vibration. If it also looks like a piece of art, all the better.

But here’s the real kicker. The SE 594 is a good example of musical and pleasant string vibration (ie tone) for a reasonable price. I’ve had the same experience with Gretsch guitars from China / Korea too.

And if people want to escalate on their quest for tone, ala Gibson CS, Fender CS or PRS PS, that’s their money to spend. Please let me know when I’m spending your money to buy my guitar.

If only these people can see all that. Too much to ask I suppose. When egos are bruised, all reason goes out the window.
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Yes, I do. I think part of this is group think. We’re probably all guilty of it now and then. We make a decision / buy something and we want to feel validated that we made a good choice - especially if we spent a lot of money. It feels good to criticize people who made a different choice / bought another product.

I’ve spent good money on guitars I really wanted to like because of their brand name, someone famous played one, they looked cool, etc… I spent $3,000 - $4,000 around 20 years ago on a brand new guitar with a beautiful sunburst finish and flame top. I loved to look at the guitar but it sounded out of tune when I played it. It wasn’t working for me. I took it to a repairman who told me it needed a fret job. I couldn’t believe that a brand new guitar costing that much needed a fret job and that the company could get away with it. I sold it and haven’t looked back. I’m a lot older now and I’ve learned to trust my own experience and learn from it.
I have heard people say they don’t like pointy guitars… guessing their gripe might be with the headstock?
People say the same about Heritage headstocks. I find it absurd!
A lot of people are just traditionalist. If it’s not Gibson or Fender, they dont want to know. personally, I’m the anti-traditionalist. I’ll take PRS, Heritage, and G&L all day long
Brand bashing happens on every guitar forum I've ever been on, including here. I do my best not to get in arguments online when I'm not going to change anyone's mind anyway. If someone thinks every PRS is sterile with a pretty top, every Gibson has QC issues, or every Fender is an overpriced partsocaster, why both engaging? Just wasted mental energy if you ask me.

I always give a like on NGD posts even if I'm not into the guitar because there is no point crapping on happiness. Bad karma. Of course, I love the original McCarty pickups and think the Telecaster was perfected in 1951, so what do I know?