Do you practice with background noise?

My wife grew up in a “TV on all the time” household. Doesn’t bother her. I’m probably abnormal. She does have the kindness to close the door of the room she watches TV in, but since I can still hear it (seems to me she listens at deafening volume) for many years I’ve simply gone into the studio, shut the door, and either worked on music, or read books.

I only knew one other person who felt the way I do about TV noise, a very talented musician and physician, but unfortunately he passed away, and now I’m the only person left on Earth who feels the way I do, apparently.

Les, you're not abnormal, you just live in a family that grew up with dissimilar backgrounds. Only time the TV is on in my household is when I'd actively be watching it, or listening while cooking in the kitchen.

IMHO, background TV noise is OK when you wish to keep outside noise to a minimum. For that, there's my background noise generator (from amazon) and a free computer app named WhiteNoiseLite. Either these or my oscillating room fan which seems to filter outside noise.

FTR, one of my neighbors up the hill from me used to keep her TV on almost full volume every day of the week. Deaf as a doorknob, this 98 y.o. woman was partially responsible for causing her own deafness while trying to keep outside noise from bothering her. It was kind of a treat when I'd give her a call and she'd pick up the phone and say, "HANG ON JUST A MINUTE, I'VE GOT TO TURN DOWN MY TV." After that, she'd be sure her phone earpiece volume was dialed up and we could speak.

The lady lived a good life and passed on peacefully earlier this year end of January. Yet, TBH, the lady was a bit of a spark plug who was rather set in her ways and didn't like being out of her comfort zone. My Mom was her caregiver, and often times Mom would visit me following a visit with the lady, and you could tell Mom's attitude was affected from her visit with the lady. Perhaps my Mom is less focused than the lady was, which ruffled the lady's feathers to no end.

I think we each come from families which in their own way are somewhat dysfunctional. Yet, remember why us heads of household even bother to respond to our families when we might wish some peace and mental health time for's the men who put the fun in dysfunctional, and don't let anybody else try to tell you otherwise. :)
Oh, so true! I have actually asked them to turn it down a few times. I'm already stressed enough visiting the doctor - now I gotta watch "The View"??!!

It’s just another way for them to hassle you before you have to take off your clothes and put on a paper examining “gown”.

“Oh, Mr. S, please undress and put on this paper “gown” and sit in this cold room for, oh, maybe 45 minutes by yourself until the doctor decides to come in and see you.”

“Gee, thanks.”

I once sat in an examining room for a 4 PM appointment, waited and waited, and then they shut off the lights and started to close up for the night. The doctor had gone home, they’d forgotten I was there.

That’s how important and memorable I am, I guess. :oops:
I once sat in an examining room for a 4 PM appointment, waited and waited, and then they shut off the lights and started to close up for the night. The doctor had gone home, they’d forgotten I was there.

It’s just another way for them to hassle you before you have to take off your clothes and put on a paper examining “gown”.

“Oh, Mr. S, please undress and put on this paper “gown” and sit in this cold room for, oh, maybe 45 minutes by yourself until the doctor decides to come in and see you.”

“Gee, thanks.”

I once sat in an examining room for a 4 PM appointment, waited and waited, and then they shut off the lights and started to close up for the night. The doctor had gone home, they’d forgotten I was there.

That’s how important and memorable I am, I guess. :oops:

Shocking treatment! Oh no that was in the sanitarium in 1897!:p

And I frequently sit watching TV and practice/noodle (unplugged). If amped up, no point if having TV on because I can’t hear it, plus having too much fun to care what’s on the screen!
It’s just another way for them to hassle you before you have to take off your clothes and put on a paper examining “gown”.

“Oh, Mr. S, please undress and put on this paper “gown” and sit in this cold room for, oh, maybe 45 minutes by yourself until the doctor decides to come in and see you.”

“Gee, thanks.”

I once sat in an examining room for a 4 PM appointment, waited and waited, and then they shut off the lights and started to close up for the night. The doctor had gone home, they’d forgotten I was there.

That’s how important and memorable I am, I guess. :oops:


(Please follow credit card kiosk instructions when prompted) This is how I see it, every single day when I work.

Perspective may be a cruel thing, but walking with your wife on a sunsetting beach while on vacation is priceless.

(I do well to ask myself these things even if it takes only a second or 2 of introspection)
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I’ve slept with a radio on since I was a little kid. I used to listen to radio talk shows (it was a special treat to wake up and hear the guy who did the midnight to 6 AM shift - Perry Marshall), baseball games, hockey games.

Now it’s satellite radio. My wife is not a fan, but she lost that battle a long time ago. My only concessions are the volume isn’t as loud as I’d like, and I don’t listen to the metal station at night. On the weekends or whenever I’m off, when she gets up, she puts the metal station on and turns the volume up. She’s good that way. And yet, every day, she doesn’t pick up a pillow and smother. So far.
It’s just another way for them to hassle you before you have to take off your clothes and put on a paper examining “gown”.

“Oh, Mr. S, please undress and put on this paper “gown” and sit in this cold room for, oh, maybe 45 minutes by yourself until the doctor decides to come in and see you.”

“Gee, thanks.”

I once sat in an examining room for a 4 PM appointment, waited and waited, and then they shut off the lights and started to close up for the night. The doctor had gone home, they’d forgotten I was there.

That’s how important and memorable I am, I guess. :oops:

That's happened to me! It was at the Medical Centre at work. The nurse asked me to wait in the treatment room. Then she answered a phone and spoke to a couple of people. Next thing I know, she has closed up for the day and left the building.
The thing is, I was locked in the room. I escaped by climbing out of the window.
If I’m not drowning out any other sound in the vicinity, it’s not practice. And if that’s not possible, on go the cans and the world disappears. Fun = headphones in a dark room except the illumination from the Kemper or pedalboard...reminds me of the stage. The spotlight doesn’t find me very often.
That's happened to me! It was at the Medical Centre at work. The nurse asked me to wait in the treatment room. Then she answered a phone and spoke to a couple of people. Next thing I know, she has closed up for the day and left the building.
The thing is, I was locked in the room. I escaped by climbing out of the window.

That, sir, is a wild story!
Am I the only one here who practices with the TV on in the background more often than I probably should.

In all fairness, the Phillies AND the Sixers were on.....I had to peek up at it every once in a while ;)


When I was in high school and even college, (when I still lived at home) my routine was that MANY times I'd have the Reds game on, but turned all the way down. I'd put on an album, turn on the amp and play along while sort of keeping an eye on the game. And it wasn't just the Reds. I'd do it during basketball and football season as well. I was a multi-tasker before multi-tasking was cool.
You can see the bluish light from the TV reflecting of of my skin and the git-fiddle. It is a habit...Not sure if it is good or bad.
