Do ten tops affect sound?


New Member
Feb 3, 2016
Is a ten top on an electric for appearance only? Or does it make the guitar sound better?
(Ducking all of the standard issues jokes about hearing with your eyes, etc):

It is appearance only. That being said, if the look of the guitar inspires you, you may, in fact, end up sounding better as a result.

I am not aware of any scientific (!) evidence that a consistent flame/quilt provides for "better" or more consistent sound.
I'm sure there are some people who will claim that flamed or quilted maple sounds different from plain maple. Certain varieties are harder than others which could impact sound. However, in my experience there is no perceivable difference in tone between a more highly-flamed top and a less-flamed top. The only difference in my mind would be visual, which will, of course, have an impact on re-sale values. At the end of the day, tone is shaped more by how the individual parts of a guitar come together with respect to that particular instrument.
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All guitars sound different, because wood is an organic thing. But if you're asking me if I can hear the difference between a 10-top and a less-than-ten-top, I don't know, I haven't ever compared two of the same guitars, one with a 10-top, the other with not.
OF COURSE THEY DO!!!, each 10-top is fitted with a microchip embedded in the wood that is linked to a satellite network system that emits positive wave impulses thru the instrument up the neck and to your fingers, giving you extra charged funkychoppower and supermetallistic riffability. It's a patented system that Paul invested in after he went CMC.;)
OF COURSE THEY DO!!!, each 10-top is fitted with a microchip embedded in the wood that is linked to a satellite network system that emits positive wave impulses thru the instrument up the neck and to your fingers, giving you extra charged funkychoppower and supermetallistic riffability. It's a patented system that Paul invested in after he went CMC.;)

Don't bogart that joint, my friend, pass it over to me...
When did that happen?

There's always too many takers to let go these days:D
Uh..........yeah.......:oops:..........I meant CNC, and I think it was mid 90's.................................but then again it could have meant when he started buying from Commercial Metals Corp or had a video on the California Music Channel.......:rolleyes:

....& they vape now, no passing.
Probably the meds. ;)
Oh yea that's right, hope Ur recouping well...................maybe that that latest 10-top U picked up is hooked up to the satellite system, the positive wave impulses might help you heal up faster.
Start pluckin' man!!
This is the most stereotypical thread we could ever have on the PRS forum... LOL

Wait, we've only gotten to the pot and post-surgical medications stuff.

Still missing are the medical, dental and legal references. So I think we're still somewhat short of the PRS stereotype zone -- for the moment.

Whew! ;)
Wait, we've only gotten to the pot and post-surgical medications stuff.

Still missing are the medical, dental and legal references. So I think we're still somewhat short of the PRS stereotype zone -- for the moment.

Whew! ;)

Well, between the two of us, we're 2/3 of the way there...