De-Acquisition Mode - I'm Hearing That A Lot Lately.

Well, if you're gigging Fridays and especially Saturdays, getting home at 2am isn't too big a deal. Depending on work situation, getting to the gig after work on a friday and setting up might be a little tight.

We practice Tuesdays, I get home by midnight at the latest (it's 45min away from me). Once a week isn't a big deal. We only gig on Fridays and Saturdays precisely because we all have day jobs, we are doing this for the love of it and the fun. If it's not fun, there's no point. If you keep it light, keep it fun, a band can easily co-exist with a day job. Progress might be a little slower, but who's in a hurry? Just lay down one ground rule: if it starts getting stressful, you're out. Period. Keep it light and fun. Life is too short for any more drama, especially at our age (I am 54).

BTW my wife is also a big supporter of the project. We even went on a vacation trip to Key West together- the whole band and our significant others. Great time.
This is the life I have been living for years.

One band I was in within the somewhat recent past, we had an 8 month run where we were playing every Friday and Saturday night with a few Thursdays thrown in there. That wore me out. Friday really sucks when you have a Thursday gig. I would be up late Thursday night due to playing. Thankfully the place that gig was always at was closer to my home and we didn't have to tear down at the end of the night because it is a 3 night gig. However, getting up at 6 AM after being up until 1 or 2 AM and then working all day to run out of work right at 5 to get ready for Friday night to then be up until around 3 AM gets old really fast. Then do it all again on Saturday after sleeping away half of Saturday. I felt like all I ever did was work and gig.

I also typically end up being the guy that does more than anyone else in the band. I own the PA so I have all of that work to do too. In the bands that I have run, which seems to be most of them, I don't tolerate drama. I have heard many times how much fun my bands are to be in and how there is no drama to deal with in them. I will take someone that is a mediocre player over a drama queen that is really freaking good at what they do. I am probably going to start looking for a laid back playing situation. I really only want to gig a couple of times a month and could be okay with getting together once a week for practice and jam time. I typically learn everything at home then rehearsal is truly a rehearsal and we only have to make decisions on starting and ending songs.
Or ran out of storage space. I am out of space to store guitars.
Sounds Like New House Time! That Will Solve That Space Problem. ;)
My wife says "one more guitar and we're buying the next-door-neighbor's house to put all our music gear in!"

So far I think I'm fortunate that the neighbor is not looking to sell...
ok, you've seen right through me. "mostly on board" means... I want stuff! But I'm going along with my wife because she has worked hard and deserves her retirement. I am ok with slowing down on the "luxury purchases" if that's what it takes to make her comfortable.

Not to get too serious, but she grew up very poor, and has done very well for herself but is getting stressed to the breaking point at work due to some very unusual circumstances, so her needs are way more important than my wants. And yes, I could drop $10K on a 594 and a Louis Electric Cobra tomorrow and she wouldn't miss the money at all. But my business has slowed significantly and I'm cool with laying low for a while. My income will go back up when the market improves and more "extra cash" will be coming in, and I'll re-evaluate then.
I’m a strong advocate of retiring as young as you can. I have zero regrets. That would not have been the case if I had waited until nominal retirement age.
My wife says "one more guitar and we're buying the next-door-neighbor's house to put all our music gear in!"

So far I think I'm fortunate that the neighbor is not looking to sell...
We talked seriously about buying a spare house on our street. Not driven primarily by music gear, even though some would have gone there. One driver was to have a bungalow by the river we liked living on for the day we didn’t want to have to climb stairs anymore. Another was to be able to spread workspace out a bit more. The third was to have more room for company, like the Indy Experience of old and Santanafest.
I’m a strong advocate of retiring as young as you can. I have zero regrets. That would not have been the case if I had waited until nominal retirement age.
Couldn't agree more. I got out of law in my late 30s.

Even though I get paid to do stuff, I feel like I haven't worked since because I love what I do.
Couldn't agree more. I got out of law in my late 30s.

Even though I get paid to do stuff, I feel like I haven't worked since because I love what I do.
My wife followed a similar path.
She spent 20 years creating things. She got paid pretty well for much of it, but she took on projects that inspired her.
My wife says "one more guitar and we're buying the next-door-neighbor's house to put all our music gear in!"

So far I think I'm fortunate that the neighbor is not looking to sell...
I have actually been thinking that maybe I should take a few guitars that I have thought about selling to the local shop and either put them in on consignment or sell them to the shop. I am sure there are a few I could sell and not miss all that much. I honestly can't tell you how many I have without counting them or looking at my insurance policy. I know it is 30 something.
I have actually been thinking that maybe I should take a few guitars that I have thought about selling to the local shop and either put them in on consignment or sell them to the shop. I am sure there are a few I could sell and not miss all that much. I honestly can't tell you how many I have without counting them or looking at my insurance policy. I know it is 30 something.
I feel much better now....:cool:
Well, if you're gigging Fridays and especially Saturdays, getting home at 2am isn't too big a deal. Depending on work situation, getting to the gig after work on a friday and setting up might be a little tight.
We used to have a monthly gig on a Saturday night (we rotated with three other bands, and every few months the fifth weekend would open up and we'd sometimes snag it) - it was good to play regularly at one spot, and it freed up the other Saturdays for occasional other gigs or personal stuff. At one point we were playing three nights a month, usually Saturdays, and that was fine with us. Occasionally it bloomed into 6 or 8 gigs a month.

Since COVID-lockdowns, many of those gigs have gone away, and we're OK with that. We've paid enough dues, so we've turned into a Studio-rat band (like Steely Dan was for quite a while) that plays the odd festival or birthday/anniversary/retirement gig by invitation (often free of charge for friends etc). For the record, my wife (bassist) and I are in a band with two close friends who also live in the same neighborhood. We're working on our fifth CD (been working it for a while, starting to feel like Chinese Democracy), and we have material for a couple more albums after that already written, some recorded.

We (all four of us) also had a sound production company going pre- and post-COVID, where we ran sound at those festivals - we've given that up too this past year, it became too much like work and not much like fun - and at an amortized average hourly rate of $5 at best, the "wage" wasn't worth it.

Now, regarding De-acquisition Mode...oh man. This past week we had our windows measured for replacement. That meant moving "everything" away from the windows so the tech could get in and take an accurate measurement. And we'll have to move stuff even more drastically when the windows actually get replaced in a few months: 2 feet minimum inside and out clear access. Now most people might think "oh that's no big deal, I have to move a bookcase a few inches or move that storage bench from underneath the window." We have a house full of "stuff". A lot of musical stuff (including leftover sound gig stuff, even after moving 3/4 of it on to our successors, because we still need some equipment for our own sound). But a lot of non-musical stuff. It made me realize we really need to start clearing stuff out. But where to start? I still record at home, so I need the DAW desk area. I still process photos and video, so I need the photo/video workstation too. I have DSLR & video cameras (to create some of those photos/videos), which take up a good amount of space. We both work from home a fair bit, so we need our "office spaces".

The pool table room, which used to be a formal living room (remember those?), is beside the home pub (used to be the formal dining room). Those can't go. The pool table is surrounded by music stuff - mics and vocal amps for vox, and guitars, basses, and their amps, and dozens of acoustic & percussion instruments, since that is our de facto jam/practice room (handy having a pub right there). The upstairs "bonus room" is the "old music room", filled with a drum kit, more guitar/bass amps, another PA (partly disassembled), oh, and is also my HT room with two projectors and a 150" screen. And the 5.2.4 Dolby Atmos set up to go with it. And seating for six. And shelves and shelves of BDs/DVDs, CD, and books.

There are three areas in the house that could use a purge, so we'll concentrate on those, because there is a lot of "stuff" there that is simply hanging around because we've always had it.

But I'm not quite ready to give up the guitars, amps, and pedal boards.

And as for retirement (probably 10 years away, maybe a bit more): one bandmate retired last year (maybe year before) - she's never been busier! I can't wait to really be able to focus on songwriting and all the other musical stuff banging around in my head. And all my other hobbies (like the photography / videography stuff, plus gardening, plus plus plus...)

Anyway, thanks for letting me rant and get this down - it has helped collect my thoughts, in a way...
I’m a strong advocate of retiring as young as you can. I have zero regrets. That would not have been the case if I had waited until nominal retirement age.
Three years ago, I said "you retire if you're ready, but don't if you still want to work, and I'll do a "soft retirement" so I can still keep making money and we can travel even more. But while I can work remotely and may still do a soft retirement, she's DONE when her day hits and I'll be very limited after that if I work at all. And TBH, your circumstances and that of a couple other friends have been a reality check for me that have made me adjust my thinking. More money isn't going to matter if something happens to one of us. Time will be all that mattered.
ok, you've seen right through me. "mostly on board" means... I want stuff! But I'm going along with my wife because she has worked hard and deserves her retirement. I am ok with slowing down on the "luxury purchases" if that's what it takes to make her comfortable.

Not to get too serious, but she grew up very poor, and has done very well for herself but is getting stressed to the breaking point at work due to some very unusual circumstances, so her needs are way more important than my wants. And yes, I could drop $10K on a 594 and a Louis Electric Cobra tomorrow and she wouldn't miss the money at all. But my business has slowed significantly and I'm cool with laying low for a while. My income will go back up when the market improves and more "extra cash" will be coming in, and I'll re-evaluate then.
Family Always Comes First. :)
I have actually been thinking that maybe I should take a few guitars that I have thought about selling to the local shop and either put them in on consignment or sell them to the shop. I am sure there are a few I could sell and not miss all that much. I honestly can't tell you how many I have without counting them or looking at my insurance policy. I know it is 30 something.
You Are Just Getting Started...
I just failed miserably at this concept. I just pulled the trigger on my first new guitar in about 3.5 years. I also bought one of the pedals that I was stalking this week. I will probably buy one more pedal but not sure how soon. Oh well...
Well misery loves they say.
I have not fared any better.
If it were as easy as the 1-800-GOT-JUNK commercial. "Just point and it's gone!! I'm not a hoarder but there's a fair amount of stuff here I'd love to see gone including music gear. I did take some gear to my local music store for consignment about a year and a half ago. No nibbles. I'm tempted to take some things (not guitars) to a pawn shop. I know I won't get squat for some stuff but at least it would be out of here.
If it were as easy as the 1-800-GOT-JUNK commercial. "Just point and it's gone!! I'm not a hoarder but there's a fair amount of stuff here I'd love to see gone including music gear. I did take some gear to my local music store for consignment about a year and a half ago. No nibbles. I'm tempted to take some things (not guitars) to a pawn shop. I know I won't get squat for some stuff but at least it would be out of here.
I just told my wife this week that we need to start going through things we have stored and start thinning stuff out. I am planning on pulling everything out of the closet where I store guitars and pedals and going through them during the Thanksgiving weekend. I am going to organize things and see what is in there that I should get rid of. I am starting to get more comfortable with not getting much out of some of it.