custom 24 losing high freq over time?


New Member
Aug 6, 2013
i just bought a 2012 custom 24 and i'm noticing it has significantly more high end than the 2004 custom 24 i've had for 8 years now. both are mahogany bodies, quilted maple tops and rosewood fretboards, older one pattern regular neck, new one pattern it possible that the high end has dulled over time in the older one, or might the new ones just have more snap to em?
Probably more related to different pickups than anything else, there is the different finish and some other small tweaks but yeah, prob the pickups.

Did you post a NGD with pics yet? :)
There's a lot of reasons the guitar could have more highs. It could be that the wood has dried a bit. It could be that piece of wood on the 2012 being a bit more brighter. It could be the new V12 finish vs the older finish. Or it could be that the "brass for more tone" myth is true, since Paul's been using more and more brass on his newer guitars. Are both having HFS/VBs?
HFS/VB in the older one, 59/09's on the newer one. anything to be done about that, or should i just compensate on the amp?
My money's on the pups - I've found the 59/09's to be much brighter in the CU24 than the VB/HFS combo.
Well then, there's your answer! The 59/09s are vintage-voiced pickups. They have lower output compared to the HFS/VB. The HFS/VB are bright in their own respect, but with hotter windings, it's bound to have less high frequencies as you turn up the gain.