
I don’t mind bees much.
I don’t like the wasps that keep wanting to build their house on my house though.
I don’t mind bees much.
I don’t like the wasps that keep wanting to build their house on my house though.
Once the nest is down, spray the area with WD-40. I did this in a couple spots and haven’t had an issue in 4+ years.
urbane cowboy?

I take it you've been to the moon and back...I didn't do as well in world history...didn't know who Marcus Aurelius was and didn't study hard enough to find out....

But...I knew who the Marx Brothers were. (That went over like a lead balloon in class...)
At least you don't have baby scorpions on your kitchen floor. Killed this little f*cker a couple nights ago.


You’re not going to be popular with the metal crowd, killing a Dime fan like that.
Yeah, Serg...What Bodia said...yellow jackets or hornets suck...and if they've gotten into the house...oof.
I'd exterminate from the inside out, especially with your little dude runnin' around.
Good luck...

Vaughn, oh, hell no to eating a tequila soaked Scorpion. (unless it's singing "The Zoo" to me.
Alan, I knew I could count on you for the first chuckle of the day. Thank you.
We have yellow jackets/hornets where we live. When I find a nest, and can reach it, I use my shop vac to suck them up as they fly in and out of the nest. Usually takes a couple treatments to get them all. They get pretty riled up but focus on the tip of the shop vac at the nest entrance instead of the human holding it.
Bees, Hornets, Wasps, Yellow Jackets, scorpions, Black Widows, Brown reclus', Copperheads, Coral snakes, Tics, fleas, even bed bugs. There isn't much here in NC that doesn't bite.
Serg is busy mopping the floor with his socks this morning...the easy way when the swiffer mop isn't handy...

P.S. Thanks for sharing.

How's the weather in Chi-Town today? We used to have a phrase from a wise if not curmudgeonly old guy...Mark Twain..."You don't like the weather in CT? Wait a minute."
Here is what i tell people when they ask why i named my car Yellow Jacket.

1. Its an off hand reference to the Transformers franchise
2. Bumblebees are fuzzy and cute, and as a rule productive members of society because they pollinate flowers
3. Honeybees, although not as cute, are still productive members of society, because they make honey.
4. Yellow Jackets are just A$$h0les.
Here is what i tell people when they ask why i named my car Yellow Jacket.

1. Its an off hand reference to the Transformers franchise
2. Bumblebees are fuzzy and cute, and as a rule productive members of society because they pollinate flowers
3. Honeybees, although not as cute, are still productive members of society, because they make honey.
4. Yellow Jackets are just A$$h0les.

1. I dug hot wheels for a time.
2. Bumbles, like carpenter bees, bounce and are rightfully called moat monsters. You also find them canned and wearing KFC buckets. o_O
3. Honeybees are pollinators, and the word I might call my wife after I arrived home from work. However, never married, so I don't use the phrase that often.
4. Yellowjackets are just feisty little things. That being said, I never turn my back on yellowjackets while they are swarming.
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