
You've got moat monsters? Carpenter bees, or the honey variety?

What you need is some Le Boufée de la Mouffette. In the bee direction.
At least you don't have baby scorpions on your kitchen floor. Killed this little f*cker a couple nights ago.

Some years ago, we regularly had carpenter bees trying to chew nesting holes above the gutters, under the eaves. Would leave about a dime-sized hole in the wood. Those pesky things were partially responsible for water damage as ice dams backed up when the gutters froze during winter. When the water nearest the house melted, the water had nowhere to go but in...through the bee nesting holes...

We called 'em moat monsters because they were of the bumble-shaped variety...

Now honey bees...nuther story...these we encouraged as pollinators.

Ground wasps, yikes. 2 years ago my backyard out to the car was infested with these...was like walking on hot sand trying to avoid stepping on the nest holes...finally asked apartment management to allow me to spray with heavy-duty wasp/hornet spray...took care of the wasps in short ground wasps since...
You've got moat monsters? Carpenter bees, or the honey variety?

What you need is some Le Boufée de la Mouffette. In the bee direction.

They’re little-ish ones, not bumblebees, and not hornets or wasps (I don’t think). I’d call them sweat bees but they’ve made a nest in my siding.
They’re little-ish ones, not bumblebees, and not hornets or wasps (I don’t think). I’d call them sweat bees but they’ve made a nest in my siding.

Ah, the dinky ones! Have at thee with wasp spray after dusk. Soak the outdoors affected area with spray and scoop up/discard the carcasses so they don't attract flies or vermin. Indoors, be careful with spray if you must use it and ventilate after the area has been sprayed/closed off for 30 minutes.

Caveat: Try the indoor spray first so as not to drive the buggers into the house...

What's happening? Did you get stung? Some baking soda or an cut onion on the welts will provide relief...

Haven’t been stung yet. We started noticing dead ones in odd places of the house next to HVAC vents (which is terrifying to think about). Then this morning I killed at least three alive ones inside the house.

I looked around the perimeter of the outside of the house until I saw a swarm under the upstairs deck.

I called an exterminator right away and he came out and powdered the hell outta the nest, but the drones are still swarming.