Android tuner app?

Dusty Chalk

Apr 25, 2014
I just lost my favourite visualization due to "potential copyright violation" in PitchLab Pro -- does anyone know what the other product is/was? I like this particular visualization the most because I can see it on my phone without my glasses, from a distance, in either landscape or portrait a way that I can't with any other visualization (or at least, of the many I've tried). I really didn't get along with the iStroboSoft app, but I'll try a few different things, see if I can't warm up to it. In the case of my favourite visualization, I don't need to be able to read anything, so having one big needle doesn't help, because then I still have to read whether it's E, or Eb or whatever -- I just need to know its position on the screen, and whether or not the needle is vertical or not. The one that's brightest is the note in the 12 tone scale that the string I'm currently playing is closest too. Can someone please suggest another app, or perhaps a similarly qualified visualization in another app (or in this one)? Thanks in advance.

I do have access to iOS devices, so can look for the Polytune app, it's just not as convenient as pulling it out of my pocket when I need to tune.

I actually have two actual tuners (a Korg pitchblack pedal and the clip-on TC Electronic one), I could also get in the habit of using those. And/or put my glasses on when I want to tune, I just really fell in love with this visualization, it just works for me so well.