Max Headroom
Those that can, do. Those that can't, censor it.
I guess the recent De-Acquistion thread really did get me thinking deeply on this and exactly what I NEED!
Or even want I suppose, and to this end some hard decisions were made over the weekend with some extended playing sessions.
I seem to be gravitating back to my metal roots where I want and expect instant gratification, I don't do
Even though musically as listening I have expanded my horizons to blues, fusion and jazz that's not where my playing lies (full disclosure...not good
Imagine the scene in Back to the Future where Marty cranks up the Docs rig and gets blown through the wall when he hits a power chord...yep that's me!
So my recent purchases of superstrat guitars have fueled that need and very nicely too.
So to the winners as far as the PRS stable goes are....
1985 Standard 24...the grandaddy, this one will likely be buried with me!
2001 McCarty 10 top rosewood just feels right in every way.
2002 CE22, for whatever reason I just love the Maple neck on this and the Dragon II just rip!
2002 PS CE24...what more do I need to say?
And that's it unfortunately.
The losers that just don't make me want to keep on playing are.
1997 Custom 22 10 should ring my bell but just doesn't, can't explain why right now.
2001 CE22...I prefer the 2002 CE22 and they are too similar to need two of.
2008 SE Soapbar II.
2009 SE Paul Allender.
2013 SE Bernie Marsden.
Tough calls but that's my see if I can see it through to the end!
Or even want I suppose, and to this end some hard decisions were made over the weekend with some extended playing sessions.
I seem to be gravitating back to my metal roots where I want and expect instant gratification, I don't do
Even though musically as listening I have expanded my horizons to blues, fusion and jazz that's not where my playing lies (full disclosure...not good
Imagine the scene in Back to the Future where Marty cranks up the Docs rig and gets blown through the wall when he hits a power chord...yep that's me!
So my recent purchases of superstrat guitars have fueled that need and very nicely too.
So to the winners as far as the PRS stable goes are....
1985 Standard 24...the grandaddy, this one will likely be buried with me!
2001 McCarty 10 top rosewood just feels right in every way.
2002 CE22, for whatever reason I just love the Maple neck on this and the Dragon II just rip!
2002 PS CE24...what more do I need to say?
And that's it unfortunately.
The losers that just don't make me want to keep on playing are.
1997 Custom 22 10 should ring my bell but just doesn't, can't explain why right now.
2001 CE22...I prefer the 2002 CE22 and they are too similar to need two of.
2008 SE Soapbar II.
2009 SE Paul Allender.
2013 SE Bernie Marsden.
Tough calls but that's my see if I can see it through to the end!
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