What A Day...


Zombie Four, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
First I woke up with back spasms bad enough that I couldn’t focus to work. Ended up at an urgent care facility after lunch and got some lovely muscle relaxants. Spent the evening sleeping, using ice and heat, and not a whole lot else.

Then, my wife got an e-mail from Famous Dave’s that they will not be reopening their Frederick, MD location. That was my primary restaurant on the way to Experience and on the way home, especially after they closed the one in Annapolis. Guess I gotta come up with another reason to go to Experience...
Damn, that sucks. Hope the spasms calm down. I keep a emergency bottle of muscle relaxants and anti-inflammation prescriptions on hand for times like those. Clay ice packs are my best friends.

I thought Famous Dave’s was doing alright in all it’s locations. Wow.
Sorry to hear about the back pain - ugh! Hope it improves soon for you!
I'm pretty sure there is a place somewhere on your way south-east that will have ok food...??!!??
Worst case scenario...beer and buffet breakfast at HGI...

Hope your back feels better, Alan.
Also I feel youR pain.....my local Bon Chon closed....

My only Bon Chon experience is listening to you guys rave about it. Last week, I'm driving past a mall (strip, kinda) about half a mile from my house. There's about 20 stores there, with a Best Buy on one end and a sporting goods store on the other. It was bought by an Asian company and is being turned into an Asian themed market/mall. What's my point.....there's a Bon Chon Coming Soon sign up!
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Best wishes, Alan. When one of us hurts, we all feel it. Feel better soon, and stay home with the muscle relaxants...find what position offers the least pain, don't think about it, and do what you need to. (What works for my back pain situations...)