That is a very interesting modification! But I don't think I could ever do it - I love the stock pups on my RL Vela, they get a tone that is super unique, and I would fear swapping pups would just make the guitar sound like "just" a semi-hollow CU22.
I put down a rhythm and lead track on the weekend for a new song we are recording which was written originally on the Vela, so I knew it had to be that guitar. I used the neck pup for the rhythm, tone dialed back a bit, going into a couple modulation pedals to get a nice swirly sound with a touch of OD and delay/reverb, and the neck/bridge combo (unsplit) no modulation, into a bit of OD/dirt and delay for the lead stuff, tone dialed back a bit again. I really liked the results.
I couldn't care less that those pups are "Korean made", they suit the guitar to a tee, for me.