Tone control nube question


New Member
Dec 21, 2020
A big fat christmas hello to you, dear reader!
I've had a cherry red single-cut soapbar se for a while now and have just started to strum in earnest (Covid social distancing...). I notice the tone control is a bit binary. I turn it - nothing nothing nothing and then - boof - all the treble's gone. What can I do to make this better?
I might as well add a second question here seeing as its nearly Christmas... I'm so liking my single-cut, that I'm thinking of buying another prs - a double-cut with humbuckers - and I'm kind of drifting towards a Carlos Santana se. I notice there have been a lot of se models with the master's name on them - does anyone know where there is a good history of all the different models so I can compare what's what?
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A big fat christmas hello to you, dear reader!
1. ...all the treble's gone. What can I do to make this better?

2. does anyone know where there is a good history of all the different models so I can compare what's what?

1. Change the pot to a tapered pot. Here's an explanation though it may be a little deep.
Potentiometer taper | Resistor types | Resistor Guide (

2. The first SE was a Santana. It's a Gen 1 and doesn't have all the upgrades of the more modern ones so lots of people tend to use them as a vehicle for mods. The latest ones are the closest to the Core model with pretty good pickups and birds. Find a later model used for the best bang for the buck.

Oh, and I love the Soapbars. Great 1st PRS.