The ZOMBIE Apocalypse


Zombie Zero, DFZ
Aug 1, 1985
What's your strategy for survival?

How will you protect your guitars?

What is the best BBQ sauce for brains?

Inquiring minds want to know.
KC Masterpiece injected directly into the skull via tracer rounds!

I think that pretty much covers all 3 questions....
My gun safe is right outside of my studio with plenty of guns and ammo to hold back the zombies . Plus I have a case of budweiser barbeque sauce. I do like the idea of dipping the bullets in barbeque sauce , kind of like a two for one special :evil:
1. It's silly to worry about zombies.

2. You won't have to protect your guitars, see (1) above.

3. Sweet Baby Ray's. ;)
Ram raid the nearst tesco with my work van and barricade myself in.
Also blast some metallica over a tannoy to keep the zombies at bay while i jam


Train the kids...



Have plenty of supplies on hand...


Have an early warning system (when we can wake her up...)


I figure I'm good to go!
Please appreciate the humor and NOT any politics in this... (It's Bob Hope, fer Chrissakes!)

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Head north and wait for freezing temperatures, and eventual zombie starvation.

The question should be how will YOU defend your guitars from ME.

"Real Tomato Ketchup, Eddie?"

What range is this? - Don't think it is AGC because of the silhouette targets...

Anywho, one of the coolest things about a Garrand is what happens after the 8th shot - and then your buddy next to you saying, "Hey, your gun is coming apart..."
What's your strategy for survival?
Cold beer, girls in bikinis and rock 'n' roll.

Oh, and don't forget to double-tap. ;)

How will you protect your guitars?
145 dB of Cu24 + Mesa/Boogie onslaught = zombie explosion.

What is the best BBQ sauce for brains?
Confusing question, but I'll say the custom sauce from the Taylor Cafe in Taylor,Texas...the REAL BBQ capitol of the world.