String Change Procrastinator Has A Big Idea


Master Of The Universe (Emeritus)
Apr 26, 2012
I used to love fussing with my guitars, changing strings, tweaking here and there, etc. When I was young, I envisioned myself as a shrivelly old man, smoking a pipe and contentedly still messing with my now-old guitars like Gepetto tinkering with Pinocchio.

But now that I'm actually a shrivelly old man, I find that I don't smoke a pipe, I don't like changing my strings or tinkering, and I have new guitars (though I do like playing more than ever). So the whole image I created for myself has never come to pass.

Thus, string changes for me are the end result of weeks of procrastination, during which I pretend that my strings still have more life left. By this time, my guitars look at me balefully when I open their cases, and whimper sad little notes until I cave. Finally, out of guilt and for no other reason, I sit down, grit my teeth, and change strings.

As far as I'm concerned, the nicest invention PRS could make for guitar players would be strings that never need to be changed. Or maybe they'd need to be changed once every 100 years, like a piano. At that point, a person could buy a guitar as a child and never have to face a string change.

Since that hasn't happened yet, I've decided that what I need is an on-call guitar tech. The trouble is, I don't let anyone else do my string changes because I'm very obsessive about how I like it done. So in order to have an on-call guitar tech, I'd have to have a dual personality, and when I need a string change, call myself up on the phone, tell myself that I need myself to swing by and do some tech work, pay myself, and so on.

This presents kind of a dilemma, since I'd still be the guy changing strings.

I suppose I could send the guitar to the PTC often enough to keep the strings fresh, but that might be a bit expensive.

Well, I thought of a solution, and frankly, this could be a real boon to a smart guitar manufacturer:

A rental fleet.

Hey, rental fleets have kept car manufacturers in business for a long time.

You rent a really nice PRS, model of your choice, for X number of weeks, it comes with fresh strings, when the strings get old, you return the guitar, pay for a set of strings, and rent another one. Just like paying for a tank of gas with a rental car when you're done if you don't refill it.

Think of the variety! And no string changes! Heck, you'd never have to even polish it. No worry about a ding at a gig. The guitar comes with ding insurance.

I think I'm on to something. Plus for an extra fee, you could rent a custom "dime bag" model modded by a certain Blanc...could even come in an LV guitar case...for an extra fee of course.

Always wanted a Private Stock but couldn't spare the coin? about a Private Stock for a nice weekend getaway., or for that special gig at the venue where the women are really hot... Fun, huh? ;)

Oh yes, this needs to be done. Guitar Center? Pffft. How About Les Zeppelin Rent A Guitar...
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Guitar Center? Pffft.
I have played guitars at Guitar Center that had clearly been "rented"... meaning bought, played very hard and then returned for a full refund. I played a CE 22 once several years ago that had strings at least two gauges thicker than it was set up for, and chunks taken out of the paint. Still they were selling it as new.
Doesn't everyone have their own guitar tech? Mine works for beer...

I had my own string changer until he grew up and moved out. I'd buy him new strings for his guitars if he'd change mine at the same time. Now I too have become a procrastinator. As a matter of fact, my 408 is in desperate need of a new set now...
Or you could just switch to Elixir strings and only change them twice a year. :vroam:

Haha! When my PS acoustic came, there was a hang tag saying that it was strung with the coated D'Addarios.

I did a little happy dance when I realized I might get a few extra months without a string change. ;)

Doesn't everyone have their own guitar tech? Mine works for beer...

View attachment 1276

See what I'm talking' about here? Jamie has famous luthiers come to his house. :top:

I especially like the part about Mr. de Blanc and an extra fee...

Always lookin' out for ya, Serg!

I had my own string changer until he grew up and moved out. I'd buy him new strings for his guitars if he'd change mine at the same time. Now I too have become a procrastinator. As a matter of fact, my 408 is in desperate need of a new set now...

Yeah, and it's starting to scowl at you when you open the case, right?
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I am usually in or near detroit one or twice a year I would be happy to change your strings for beer :)
or if you are in illinois I would do that also :)
If I knew of a way to manage the probability of dings, dents, accidental loss, etc. I'd start renting some of mine today. Or, that is to say, offering them up. I'm not sure there would be many takers.

Let's say there is a Brazilian neck McCarty rented to a user for 3 months. Shipping to and from the client would be $100-150 (with insurance). Let's say the rental fee was $100 a month. That's $400-50 for a 3-month rental. At that price, many people would just go get an SE.

I guess some questions... how do you lower the cost of maintenance so you can lower the rental cost? How often will a rental guitar need a refret and how many refrets can you get out of a fretboard before the quality of the fret-job begins to suffer?
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;128488 said:
If I knew of a way to manage the probability of dings, dents, accidental loss, etc. I'd start renting some of mine today. Or, that is to say, offering them up. I'm not sure there would be many takers.

Let's say there is a Brazilian neck McCarty rented to a user for 3 months. Shipping to and from the client would be $100-150 (with insurance). Let's say the rental fee was $100 a month. That's $400-50 for a 3-month rental. At that price, many people would just go get an SE.

I guess some questions... how do you lower the cost of maintenance so you can lower the rental cost? How often will a rental guitar need a refret and how many refrets can you get out of a fretboard before the quality of the fret-job begins to suffer?

On a personal note, I would like to point out that I'm not seriously proposing a rent-a-guitar company. ;)
The sad part of this is that I never "envisioned myself as a shrivelly old man, smoking a pipe and contentedly still messing with my now-old guitars like Gepetto tinkering with Pinocchio." But except for the pipe, I think it might have come to pass....
The sad part of this is that I never "envisioned myself as a shrivelly old man, smoking a pipe and contentedly still messing with my now-old guitars like Gepetto tinkering with Pinocchio."

You don't know what you've been missing!'re a lot younger than me, judging by your pics, so you still have time. ;)
I despise changing strings on my vintage style tuners. locking tuners, no problem. if PRS would just make drop in locking replacements for our vintage style tuners, I would be in hog-heaven!
I despise changing strings on my vintage style tuners. locking tuners, no problem. if PRS would just make drop in locking replacements for our vintage style tuners, I would be in hog-heaven!
This. X100
Is there some reason why not?
Aren't there locking tuner drop-in replacements already on the market? I'm pretty sure some others have mentioned them.