Refinishing an SE advice.

Could you take a picture of the pickup cavity to show how thick the maple cap and the veneer is?
Sorry, I didn't strip the pickup cavities so it won't show you anything, it's just solid color. I'd estimate the cap to be about 1/2 or so thick, probably more, at the center. Here's what I have so far:

got 90% of it with my orbital sander and some patience. Now it's gonna take a lot more patience for the neck joint area...
I tested some cherry stain on the face, because I want to warm up the guitar quite a bit, I don't want "red" but think heritage cherry sunburst without the burst. It had little effect, any ideas on how to warm it up?
"Heritage cherry sunburst without the burst." ???

What condition is the top in now after sanding with what grit?
It's in very good condition, I was just throwing ideas out there, I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with it. If by chance I ruin the veneer the maple cap looks like
its good wood (from what I can see anyway) I sanded it with 120.