Recessed control cavity plates on S2 and CE

Non recessed on the back of the guitar make it completely unplayable. Just look at this guy..

Non recessed on the back of the guitar make it completely unplayable. Just look at this guy..


Looks like the guitar is punching him in the k'nuts for putting the springs on that way. And leaving the backplate off, forcing the guitar into compulsory manscaping.
Had some time to kill waiting for some food this evening so I went to the local GC. Had them pull this S2 McCarty 594 off the wall for me. Nice quality, great workmanship.
Then I saw the warped control cavity cover.
Can we just admit that the control cover situation is problematic?
I agree that it is problematic in that it opens up potential problems that are exacerbated by the guitar being on the GC floor. :D