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When you retired, took and extended vacation etc did you ever notice how your sleeping patterns have changed? I do love sleeping in and I know my body, mind and soul love it too but I can’t sleep past 5:30 or 6 am. I find I am ready to get my day started. I am excited to get up, get a coffee and get things going.

And now that I am currently not working I thought I would go crazy without a structured routine. I don’t have one but there’s so much fun and tedious stuff to do around my place and the cottage. I have more things to do than I did at work. Strange!? But the best thing is no more stress!

And you?
My wife took over a year to be able to wind down after she retired. She was in Law for over 40 years, under massive pressure at times. Like many others she began working from home during the Covid restrictions and when they wanted her back I convinced her to bail.

She stays up late watching Nature shows and sleeps in until 11:00 these days. lol
When you retired, took and extended vacation etc did you ever notice how your sleeping patterns have changed? I do love sleeping in and I know my body, mind and soul love it too but I can’t sleep past 5:30 or 6 am. I find I am ready to get my day started. I am excited to get up, get a coffee and get things going.

And now that I am currently not working I thought I would go crazy without a structured routine. I don’t have one but there’s so much fun and tedious stuff to do around my place and the cottage. I have more things to do than I did at work. Strange!? But the best thing is no more stress!

And you?
I no longer jump out of bed the minute I wake up. I give myself time to decide if I could use some extra sleep. I often take an extra 30-60 minutes. That is more likely in the winter when it is still dark.
When you retired, took and extended vacation etc did you ever notice how your sleeping patterns have changed? I do love sleeping in and I know my body, mind and soul love it too but I can’t sleep past 5:30 or 6 am. I find I am ready to get my day started. I am excited to get up, get a coffee and get things going.

And now that I am currently not working I thought I would go crazy without a structured routine. I don’t have one but there’s so much fun and tedious stuff to do around my place and the cottage. I have more things to do than I did at work. Strange!? But the best thing is no more stress!

And you?
I am NOT a morning person! Generally going to bed between 1 and 3 am. I often am sleeping 6 hours these days though rather than my lifetime habit of 8. Don't know what it is but lately I don't seem to really want the extra two hours these days. As for coffee, I think it is the most powerful mind control experiment ever conducted on the human race!! They are squeezing money out of y'all like a French press, every single day!!! Give me my fresh squeezed OJ in the morn and I am right as rain (but I don't NEED it to get my day going) ;~))
When I was working the alarm was set for 3:44am so I could get in a full workout before my 50 mile commute to work. Now the alarm is set for 3.5 hours before the start of my group bicycle rides. On non-riding days there’s no alarm. I’m usually up with the sun. Like Lola first thing I do is eat breakfast. Always with coffee and a glass of 1/2 OJ (not the killer) and 1/2 water.
When I got my cat 2 years ago, I was working from home and had alarm set to 5am. I worked 5:30-2:30 to give me time to run errands after work. As a result, even on weekends, when my alarm is off, he still thinks 5am is time for me to get up (so he can ignore me properly!). So even after changing jobs, I still get up at 5am due to him. If only I could teach him how Daylight Savings Time works. When that changes the clock, he takes a couple months to adjust. So when we Fall back, he starts is "wake up!" routine at 4am for a few weeks.
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When I got my cat 2 years ago, I was working from home and had alarm set to 5am. I worked 5:30-2:30 to give me time to run errands after work. As a result, even on weekends, when my alarm is off, he still thinks 5am is time for me to get up (so he can ignore me properly!). So even after changing jobs, I still get up at 5am due to him. If only I could teach him how Daylight Savings Time works. When that changes the clock, he takes a couple months to adjust. So when we Spring forward, he starts is "wake up!" routine at 4am for a few weeks.
Here is a "done working, new schedule story" for ya'. When my girl stopped working in 2007, she had two cats at the time, Mama Kitty and Squirrel. Now my girl had to get up every day at 5am to be to work at 7 for 10 years, so those cats were used to that schedule. We started dating May 4, 2007 and she left her job on May 30, 2007. A few months later, her schedule started to adjust, and she was not getting up until 7am or so. Momma Kitty was not going to play that game! She would b!tch and b!tch and b!tch every morning, but I told my girl the kitty would eventually get used to it (and ultimately did). Well one morning in the transition period, my girl was still sleeping and Momma Kitty came in to start her b!tch routine (and that cat was half Siamese so her meow was "special"). After a minute or so with zero reaction from either of us, she decided to position herself over my girlfriends face and proceeded to take a pee right on her face. As my girl is waking up, she is confused at what is going on, and I am just realizing what is happening as Momma Kitty finishes up her attention getting urination. I could not help but to bust out laughing! We both laugh about it to this day, but fair warning, they WILL make you aware with whatever means necessary! When Momma Kitty passed away, we buried her as far away from the house as possible on this 2.5 acres so that if she was going to meow from the grave, we would not have to hear her. When I mow the lawn, I sometimes imitate here meow as I pass her gravesite ;~))
When I got my cat 2 years ago, I was working from home and had alarm set to 5am. I worked 5:30-2:30 to give me time to run errands after work. As a result, even on weekends, when my alarm is off, he still thinks 5am is time for me to get up (so he can ignore me properly!). So even after changing jobs, I still get up at 5am due to him. If only I could teach him how Daylight Savings Time works. When that changes the clock, he takes a couple months to adjust. So when we Spring forward, he starts is "wake up!" routine at 4am for a few weeks.

One of ours insists on going out between 2am - 3am. I love him for that!


Dang, thought it was a Piper...

The Greater Tartanned Piper.
When you retired, took and extended vacation etc did you ever notice how your sleeping patterns have changed? I do love sleeping in and I know my body, mind and soul love it too but I can’t sleep past 5:30 or 6 am. I find I am ready to get my day started. I am excited to get up, get a coffee and get things going.

And now that I am currently not working I thought I would go crazy without a structured routine. I don’t have one but there’s so much fun and tedious stuff to do around my place and the cottage. I have more things to do than I did at work. Strange!? But the best thing is no more stress!

And you?
My normal wake-up time is 5:00-5:30am anyway, that just doesn't seem to change. Something about my internal clock I suppose. My dad instilled in me that if you weren't 15-20 minutes early for work you were already "late". I reckon it stuck with me. During my meat cutting days, for 25 years I started at 7:00am and was almost always up at 5:00. When I worked in the oil patch supply business, my day started at 4:00am so that meant getting up at 3:00 to be at the warehouse in time. During those 5 years, my alarm clock rang like 3 times while I was still sleeping. I seldom rely on an alarm to get up, even to drive to the city to catch a plane flight for vacation. Makes no difference for the time of year either; DST or not.
Of course, the two cats do exert their influence, but if ignored they will rest quietly on or near the bed. Usually anyway, there still are early morning rodeos that are quite hilarious. If you like that kind of thing early in the morning! But something I almost never do is pick up a guitar early in the morning...not sure what's up with that.
I have enjoyed the occasional "sleep-in" morning, but they are actually very rare for me, even after a late night or a travel itinerary lag.
Now I am getting more done in a day then I ever thought possible. There is so much crap besides the usual that hasn’t been done in ions due to my job and my hours.

It really sucks though because it’s pouring outside. I need to walk the dogs. I have to find their raincoats. Maybe it will stop. No roller skating at all. I was going to practice skating backwards. There is 3 covered gazebos at the school with perfectly smooth circle of pavement joining all three but I did take a broom to make sure there were no little pebbles to trip me up. Transitioning to almost looking like I know what I am doing! Lol
I'm not retired, but I have been off work for awhile... re-activation of Lyme disease AND Epstein-Barre, then at the same time tore my rotator cuff. 6 months of PT for that, then right about the time that healed, I tore my plantar fascia.... it's just one thing after another, I feel like I'm falling apart at 54. And I've always been an active person, besides work (home renovations) I have always been a hiker/biker/runner... I haven't even been able to WALK (for exercise) for months!!

Anyway, all that to say that I am trying to take advantage of the time at home to get many things done ... this explains it perfectly LOL

I'm not retired, but I have been off work for awhile... re-activation of Lyme disease AND Epstein-Barre, then at the same time tore my rotator cuff. 6 months of PT for that, then right about the time that healed, I tore my plantar fascia.... it's just one thing after another, I feel like I'm falling apart at 54. And I've always been an active person, besides work (home renovations) I have always been a hiker/biker/runner... I haven't even been able to WALK (for exercise) for months!!

Anyway, all that to say that I am trying to take advantage of the time at home to get many things done ... this explains it perfectly LOL

So many things around my place have been neglected due to medical issues and time constraints. I am happy doing whatever needs to get done. I do tedious very well. The garage is a major contender. There is crap in the attic that hasn’t seen the light of day for ages. It’s time to do a purge. I just put in my ear buds and carry on.