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Lola, did you find your health card? Your physician should have a record of it, or the last medical facility you went to. Here in AB we can contact "My Alberta Health" to access records and such, replace cards etc. Not sure about how it works in ON though. But the Healthcare provider has that info.

Totally get the de-cluttering and buildup of wares thing. We have an attic that is the proverbial nightmare. I've tackled it a couple times but things seem to gravitate (or grow) there...so fare no old bones or "skeletons" so far, so I reckon neither of us are a public threat...😱🤣
I cleaned out one bay in my second garage last year, found s**t I had forgotten or even knew I/we had. Some went to the recycle center, some went to Goodwill entities, but a couple truckloads went to the transfer site. If you haven't used it or missed it in over 30 years...🙄
Nope I didn’t find it! When I went to the hospital they had to phone “someone” to confirm my identity, DOB etc. Standing in a very long line, government office, waiting my turn for my OHIP card. This place is just packed.

When my husband’s parents died we got too much stuff dumped on us. And 10 years later we’re not really that far ahead of the game. Now I have time to categorize stuff. Keep it, donate it, or garbage. There are a few items that my husband has an attachment to so they are keepers.
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I'm not retired, but I have been off work for awhile... re-activation of Lyme disease AND Epstein-Barre, then at the same time tore my rotator cuff. 6 months of PT for that, then right about the time that healed, I tore my plantar fascia.... it's just one thing after another, I feel like I'm falling apart at 54. And I've always been an active person, besides work (home renovations) I have always been a hiker/biker/runner... I haven't even been able to WALK (for exercise) for months!!

Anyway, all that to say that I am trying to take advantage of the time at home to get many things done ... this explains it perfectly LOL

Best wishes on getting through all this stuff ruger9! The past 2 years of my life medically have been my worst ever and every time something goes away, something else pops up!! All I can say is, keep the mind sharp and follow orders of the doctors/therapists!!! We will survive ;~))
Best wishes on getting through all this stuff ruger9! The past 2 years of my life medically have been my worst ever We will survive ;~))
MD me too! I have never been in this rough a shape all my life ever. I know that the stress of my job was a major contributing factor. And now I am free of all of that nonsense.

I can’t believe that I am on day 9 and not one migraine!! I don’t know who to thank but obviously some higher power is looking out for me. I have never had a reprieve last this long in 25 years. I sort keep track now. It’s a habit because I had to keep detailed notes so I would be approved for Botox treatments.
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I'm not retired, but I have been off work for awhile... re-activation of Lyme disease AND Epstein-Barre, then at the same time tore my rotator cuff. 6 months of PT for that, then right about the time that healed, I tore my plantar fascia.... it's just one thing after another, I feel like I'm falling apart at 54. And I've always been an active person, besides work (home renovations) I have always been a hiker/biker/runner... I haven't even been able to WALK (for exercise) for months!!

Anyway, all that to say that I am trying to take advantage of the time at home to get many things done ... this explains it perfectly LOL


Sorry to hear about the health issues. Been going to PT once a week for my left hand’s tendonitis. I’ve got the best hand therapist. She’ll have me back to normal as quickly as possible.

That puttering definition—that’s what it feels like my future is about to be. My last day at my job is the 5th. I’ve been there 25 years. Not sure what’s next, but I’ll be a dad and husband for a bit.
Some people talk about guilty pleasure songs. ie, songs you like but don’t want anyone to know you like it because it’s too bubblegum. I’ll come out of the closet and admit Walking on Sunshine is one of mine.
I love this song. It’s get up and get busy kind of song for me personally!
Watching Bullit.

My favourite scene is the car chase. That 68’ Mustang is just gorgeous. McQueen did all his own stunts! Just iconic!

I had one problem with the car chase in Bullit...I was a 60's MOPAR muscle guy (still am actually) and I couldn't get my head around a lowly 'stang dusting off that most venerable Charger.😂
Since then, my wife's uncle who worked for Ford's Canadian entity in Ontario had built a replica of that Mustang right down to the paint code and wheels. Put a Boss 302 engine under the hood and it had the required 4 speed Hurst shifter. Never did ask him what the rear end ratio was, but it was a posi unit, and pretty doggone quick. We were visiting them in the early 2000's for a family wedding and Uncle Tom and I went for a spin around Burlington in it. Was very cool, it turned a lot of heads.
I had one problem with the car chase in Bullit...I was a 60's MOPAR muscle guy (still am actually) and I couldn't get my head around a lowly 'stang dusting off that most venerable Charger.😂
Since then, my wife's uncle who worked for Ford's Canadian entity in Ontario had built a replica of that Mustang right down to the paint code and wheels. Put a Boss 302 engine under the hood and it had the required 4 speed Hurst shifter. Never did ask him what the rear end ratio was, but it was a posi unit, and pretty doggone quick. We were visiting them in the early 2000's for a family wedding and Uncle Tom and I went for a spin around Burlington in it. Was very cool, it turned a lot of heads.
This is the car era I am stuck in. The 60’s and 70’s were just two amazing decades for some of the most iconic cars that were ever built. This applies to my music as well. I have been in sone pretty kick a$$ cars in my day.
Ppl I just got back from a walk with the doggos. Just petting Frankie on the head when I notice a big fat tick on his head. We managed to get it out but there is a piece of the tick deeply embedded in his wound. We are taking him to the vet just to be sure. Because this could be a source of infection.

If your animals are outdoors at all pls check them thoroughly for ticks.
Ppl I just got back from a walk with the doggos. Just petting Frankie on the head when I notice a big fat tick on his head. We managed to get it out but there is a piece of the tick deeply embedded in his wound. We are taking him to the vet just to be sure. Because this could be a source of infection.

If your animals are outdoors at all pls check them thoroughly for ticks.

Hope Frankie is ok?

Our Spaniel, Ziva had one on her neck recently because she won’t stay out of the long grass.
Some people talk about guilty pleasure songs. ie, songs you like but don’t want anyone to know you like it because it’s too bubblegum. I’ll come out of the closet and admit Walking on Sunshine is one of mine.
You are SO going to be "ignored" by @DISTORT6


Music I like that my hard rock, prog, metal friends would be surprised by: Earth Wind and Fire and The Carpenters (fell in love with Karen's voice when I was 12, would have married her then despite social norms). There are others but those are the biggest two.
You are SO going to be "ignored" by @DISTORT6


Music I like that my hard rock, prog, metal friends would be surprised by: Earth Wind and Fire and The Carpenters (fell in love with Karen's voice when I was 12, would have married her then despite social norms). There are others but those are the biggest two.
Not by me.
I freely admit to my love of Duran Duran, Journey, Bon Jovi, Mötley Crüe, and waaayyyy too many 80’s hair-metal bands.😁