Like I mentioned at the top, the carry on from this is that I also bought some Grover 406c locking mini rotamatics and stuck them on. I did my research beforehand, and expected to have to replace the tuners and the nut, and I`m probably gonna swap out the pups for a couple hand-made Kent Armstrong ones I`ve got. I DID expect a big improvement from the Grovers though. They havent made the slightest difference. She`s still going out of tune really easily. I`ve got locking Gotohs on some of my other guitars and they`re great. These were straight replacements, no drilling, nothing. I held the strings taught as I wound the tuners and wound out anti-clockwise on the left, and clockwise on the right, as (of course)you would. Still no good. I suppose I`m not gonna know if it`s me or the tuners for another week, as I`m sure you`ll all say I wont be able to tell till I`ve swapped the nut out. I`ve got 9s on btw, so that shouldnt be the issue. Any other ideas? Thanks, Bri