PRS SE pickup magnets?


New Member
May 21, 2013
Georgia, currently.
Has anyone replaced their SE HFS and VB pickup magnets? If so, what did you replace them with, and what was the result? I'm not getting as much output out of my bridge pickup, and I'd like to see if just a 5 dollar magnet would do the trick instead of buying a replacement altogether. Thanks!
You would be the first person that I know of that can't get enough output from an HFS.

Is your pickup set too low? There has to be some explanation.
I've done this -- in my SE Cu24, I replaced the Alnico (II?) magnet in the VB with an Alnico IV and the ceramic magnet in the HFS with an Alnico V. The output levels didn't really change, but it gave the pickups a more even tone and less of a midrange focus.