Problems with PRS saddles


New Member
May 3, 2012
About a year ago I bought a new DGT model and am having lots of problems with the saddles on the high strings. My local guys are able to fix them every time, but after a while they start creating a sitar/buzzing kind of sound. My techs say it has something to do with the way the saddles wear, and the way the string doesn't make perfect contact with the saddle. Each time they remove the saddle and file it down or sandpaper it or something. But I don't think it's like removing a burr - it's something else. They apparently see this on PRS guitars all the time. It's annoying - I end up taking it in every couple months. Does anyone else have a similar problem and know if there's a video explanation on how to perform this repair myself?
Hmmm. I've heard about this before but never heard it's a regular issue with PRS guitars. I'd be inclined to think there's something else going on as the saddles shouldn't wearing to the point they're causing that issue every two months.
I would try taking the saddles off, mixing them all up and then reinstalling them. That way you get different saddles on each string. Maybe that will help? It solved a string breakage issue I was having.
I've been playing PRS for 22 years, and never had or heard of that problem! Is the trem set to the correct angle?