P22 Trem VS Santana... am I crazy?


New Member
May 8, 2013
Edmonton, Alberta
I've been contemplating getting a Santana instead of the P22 Trem... I'm sure I'll change my mind and get the P22 Trem just because I'm more familiar with the shape.

I've never owned a Santana Shape, which makes me a little hesitant, and I would also be losing the Piezo option...

Am I crazy? (I think so!)
I've had a love/hate with the Santana over the years. Currently, I love the one I have now. It's the least versatile guitar I own as far as the pickup tones, but it excels at what it does. I love the slightly hotter compressed tones for hard rock/metal. The extra frets and the smaller scale length and ergonomics while standing took a while to bond with but now I love it. It's like a hot rodded stunt double version of my PS Ted. The 2013 models have the new birds and a pattern neck so I like them a lot over the past versions. Never played the P22 but the Pattern Regular neck would be a deal breaker for me.

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I've had a love/hate with the Santana over the years. Currently, I love the one I have now. It's the least versatile guitar I own as far as the pickup tones, but it excels at what it does. I love the slightly hotter compressed tones for hard rock/metal. The extra frets and the smaller scale length and ergonomics while standing took a while to bond with but now I love it. It's like a hot rodded stunt double version of my PS Ted. The 2013 models have the new birds and a pattern neck so I like them a lot over the past versions. Never played the P22 but the Pattern Regular neck would be a deal breaker for me.

is that Makena Blue?

If you give up the Piezo, you are really missing out - IMHO ;)

I keep thinking that I'll use the piezo for the first 3 months and then it will just be like a gimmick... but... I keep forgetting that even if it does turn out to be gimmicky then I still have a Custom 22 with a trem system... and quite frankly I love the Custom models. And Paul's said in quite a fee interviews that's what the P22 is a Custom 22 with a Piezo system.
I keep thinking that I'll use the piezo for the first 3 months and then it will just be like a gimmick..

From what I've seen/heard the PRS piezo system is one of, if not the best around but...... it's still a piezo. If you are totally sure you really need "acoustic-y" tones I could see getting a P22, otherwise any PRS with a Santana/Westie shape is the sexiest guitar in the world. You're not crazy at all.
Anybody ready to talk about a Forum guitar with the Santana shape, 408 pickups, and piezo trem?
From what I've seen/heard the PRS piezo system is one of, if not the best around but...... it's still a piezo. If you are totally sure you really need "acoustic-y" tones I could see getting a P22, otherwise any PRS with a Santana/Westie shape is the sexiest guitar in the world. You're not crazy at all.

Without a doubt it's the best available!!
I keep thinking that I'll use the piezo for the first 3 months and then it will just be like a gimmick... but... I keep forgetting that even if it does turn out to be gimmicky then I still have a Custom 22 with a trem system... and quite frankly I love the Custom models. And Paul's said in quite a fee interviews that's what the P22 is a Custom 22 with a Piezo system.

FWIW - I've had mine almost a year and I use the Piezo constantly. With the mix of the mag and Piezo you can get some hollow body type tones - It's like having 3 guitars hanging around your neck at the same time. ;)