NPOGD - Got one back that got away!


Confirmed Bird Snob
Mar 29, 2014
Denver, CO
New Previously Owned Guitar day.

2021 was a wild year both personally and gear wise for me. I did a lot of trading, buying and selling. I ended up trading away a really special PRS and I finally got it back last night.

So I traded away my first core, 2004 CU24 Brazilian Edition, for my ‘90 Studio awhile back. I made a trade with the shop after seeing it there since my trade and it hit all of the old feelings from when I first got it. I worked out another trade and got it back in my hands. This one is never leaving again!


My 3 Brazilian Sisters :)


Sorry for all the blue guitars Sergio ;)
I always have to do a double take when I see the metal-flake electric blue one. We should start a club, I don't think there are many, we can be super exclusive!

The zebra pickups look killer in it!

Congrats on getting an old friend back!

Oh yeah that’s right. You have the same one. Yours is a Special as well right? With the Trem uproute.
Killer! Glad you got it back! That's pretty much what I did with my wife, I let her go like thirty years ago(dang I'm old!), then I recaptured her eight years ago. It was destiny just like your guitar.

If you don't mind my asking, how did she escape the first time?