NGD: P245


Bassist with a guitar habit
Jun 12, 2018
I picked up a P245 and am very impressed. The 58/15 pickups are great, the body is light without neck dive, and the tonal versatility is outstanding between the piezo and the coil splits. The color is interesting; depending on the light it is either very subdued, or popping with lots of pattern and variation.
I'm not sure how I feel about the neck. The action is fine, but I'm still feeling out the combo of short-scale, gloss finish and the carve pattern.
Overall, it's a great-sounding, well-made guitar, but definitely different from other PRS instruments I've had.

Wow, that's a lot of cool features wrapped up into one guitar. The non-"LT" 58/15 pickups are kind of rare to find these days (but they're great pickups in their own right). Add the piezo system to that, plus the hollowbody--it all adds up quite the package. Nice score!
I'm hoping this will be a solid complement to my 513, which is probably a lifetime #1 (which is also recent, but I was replacing one 513 with another). Need to spend more time with it to find out, but I'm usually comfortable switching neck profiles and scale lengths,.
After a few days and some tweaking, I think I'm really starting to bond with this guitar. The neck is starting to feel natural to me and I'm starting to get a feel for how the guitar responds when played.
A few more pics, some with its partner in crime.

After a few days and some tweaking, I think I'm really starting to bond with this guitar. The neck is starting to feel natural to me and I'm starting to get a feel for how the guitar responds when played.
Excellent! And not "just" a P245, but a P245SH!

I love my P245SH that I obtained from a fellow forum member (Hi @bodia !) - it was my main gigging guitar for a few years (I currently use a SCHBII with piezo, but switch back every now and then...well, not gigging much now at all, so a moot point).

The slightly shorter 24.5" scale is a nice change of pace, IMHO.

TBH, I can't think of a PRS electric that is better complement than your 513 - completely different tones from the pups, scale length, etc. You have a great pair there!
Congrats! I love the PRS piezo equipped guitars. I have 4 of them, 2 HB and 2 solid. If I had to get rid of almost all of my guitars, these 4 would be in the ones that I keep. I love having the ability to use acoustic tones from the same guitar at gigs. It adds another element that most bands just don't have in my area.
Excellent! And not "just" a P245, but a P245SH!

I love my P245SH that I obtained from a fellow forum member (Hi @bodia !) - it was my main gigging guitar for a few years (I currently use a SCHBII with piezo, but switch back every now and then...well, not gigging much now at all, so a moot point).

The slightly shorter 24.5" scale is a nice change of pace, IMHO.

TBH, I can't think of a PRS electric that is better complement than your 513 - completely different tones from the pups, scale length, etc. You have a great pair there!