New SSH came with Repair from Factory


New Member
Nov 16, 2021
Just curious what other folks take on this is...

I purchased this guitar (Core Special Semi Hollow) new from a local dealer (at MSRP, via trade credit) last month - guitar hang tag was signed in August. I went to install my strap locks today and found that the bottom strap button hole apparently had some issue that they repaired at the factory by plugging the hole with a dowel and re-drilling.

On the one hand - yeah obviously not a big deal. You can't see it when the button is mounted.

On the other hand - it's a brand new PRS Core model. Its a disappointing find. My main concern is if I ever sold this guitar it hurts the value.

Is it worth getting in touch with PRS over? I'm not even sure what they would do or what my expectation would be. Just disappointed.

Is it possible that your local dealer screwed this up and repaired it as such? If so, then he should replace it. How can it not affect future resale value?

On the other hand, if this happened at the factory, that's just embarasing for a company with the standing of PRS. If I'd just spent $4K to $5k on a brand new Core guitar and I discovered that it came in that condition from the factory, it would be going back for a replacement. That's not acceptable for a guitar in this price category. JM2CW


Thank you!
It is going to affect the resale value. If someone buys that guitar and takes the button off and sees it, they are not going to be happy. I could see them plugging and re-drilling it but it should be a B stock item at that point and have the repair disclosed. That one looks pretty rough and looks like there is no finish over it at all, bare wood. That would tick me off on a guitar of that price point. I have never seen anything like that on any of the PRS guitars I have purchased.
It is going to affect the resale value. If someone buys that guitar and takes the button off and sees it, they are not going to be happy. I could see them plugging and re-drilling it but it should be a B stock item at that point and have the repair disclosed. That one looks pretty rough and looks like there is no finish over it at all, bare wood. That would tick me off on a guitar of that price point. I have never seen anything like that on any of the PRS guitars I have purchased.
I agree the plug on mine is a bit sloppy - might still ask my dealer to inquire with PRS about it to confirm. I would have thought PRS would do a cleaner job coming from the factory - maybe even use scrap mahogany to make the plugs (I’m sure they have a lot of it?) to get the color to match. ‍

But also I’m not upset if this is just how they make them all now. For me the concern was largely around mine being different, and different in a bad way. Since that is not the case I can deal with it. Also, since this is part of the process I don’t think I would even mention it if ever listed it for sale (I don’t currently plan to sell anyways)
I don’t think I’d sweat it. The dowel wood may well be harder than the mahogany so more durable. Or not, I don’t know. Would be nice if they spot faced it and finished it though. Again, if the strap button covers it, I don’t see an issue.

Edit - that is one lovely guitar!
I agree the plug on mine is a bit sloppy - might still ask my dealer to inquire with PRS about it to confirm. I would have thought PRS would do a cleaner job coming from the factory - maybe even use scrap mahogany to make the plugs (I’m sure they have a lot of it?) to get the color to match. ‍

But also I’m not upset if this is just how they make them all now. For me the concern was largely around mine being different, and different in a bad way. Since that is not the case I can deal with it. Also, since this is part of the process I don’t think I would even mention it if ever listed it for sale (I don’t currently plan to sell anyways)
I am not sure that is how they make all of them. I have solid body and hollow body PRS guitars and I have never seen anything like that, including the PRS guitars I have worked on for other people. From the picture that looks like a bad job of patching an issue. I can't believe they wouldn't try to make it a nice tight fit and put some finish over it to blend it in. I would have much less of an issue with it if it were done that way. This looks like some guy in a Guitar Center that didn't know what the heck he was doing did the work.
I am not sure that is how they make all of them. I have solid body and hollow body PRS guitars and I have never seen anything like that, including the PRS guitars I have worked on for other people. From the picture that looks like a bad job of patching an issue. I can't believe they wouldn't try to make it a nice tight fit and put some finish over it to blend it in. I would have much less of an issue with it if it were done that way. This looks like some guy in a Guitar Center that didn't know what the heck he was doing did the work.
Yeah that’s fair - I’ll probably reach out to the dealer I purchased it from to ask them to send a picture to PRS and confirm straight from the horses mouth that this is 1. Standard manufacturing now, and 2. How the guitar left the factory.

Also a first for me, as I’ve owned prior core models without any plug. But per the linked threads above this change was ~2022 ish it seems?

I don’t want to name the dealer here, but it’s not guitar center and they’re very reputable so I am pretty sure this is how it left PRS.
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That is so sweet! Love that yellow tiger. This surprises me! I agree it is odd and would expect them to try to blend it, maybe a plug before the finishing but given the strap button I'd have never guessed it would be there. Really like the SSH model. Wish they would load it with 57/08's but that's just me.
That is so sweet! Love that yellow tiger. This surprises me! I agree it is odd and would expect them to try to blend it, maybe a plug before the finishing but given the strap button I'd have never guessed it would be there. Really like the SSH model. Wish they would load it with 57/08's but that's just me.
It's during the spray process hanging that it happens and the dowel is added after that. But you'd think they could finish that and then add. I guess the logic is the strap button covers it and unless changing to strap locks or an issue why look under the strap button?

Still a smokin' guitar!
It's during the spray process hanging that it happens and the dowel is added after that. But you'd think they could finish that and then add. I guess the logic is the strap button covers it and unless changing to strap locks or an issue why look under the strap button?

Still a smokin' guitar!
IMHO, that is an SE way of fixing an issue on a core guitar. The fix pictured is not a high quality fix and you are paying for high quality. If it isn't obvious, I would be furious to pull a strap button off of my PRS core and find that. I always put strap locks on my guitars as soon as I get them so I know for a fact that none of mine have anything like this on them.
IMHO, that is an SE way of fixing an issue on a core guitar. The fix pictured is not a high quality fix and you are paying for high quality. If it isn't obvious, I would be furious to pull a strap button off of my PRS core and find that. I always put strap locks on my guitars as soon as I get them so I know for a fact that none of mine have anything like this on them.
Exactly. For a $900 guitar - understandable. For a Core? No elfin' way.
IMHO, that is an SE way of fixing an issue on a core guitar. The fix pictured is not a high quality fix and you are paying for high quality. If it isn't obvious, I would be furious to pull a strap button off of my PRS core and find that. I always put strap locks on my guitars as soon as I get them so I know for a fact that none of mine have anything like this on them.
I'm not agreeing with it, but on the flip side it wouldn't be an issue to lose my serenity over. So far down my list of concerns.. I was more upset at a Les Paul I bought new that the strap button came out the first week or two of ownership. If Gibson had addressed the issue at the factory with a dowel that may have never happened.
I've never seen that from the factory. That also doesn't seem like PRS quality to me and I would not be happy if that were the standard method. I get that its a hollow body but there has to be a better way than that.
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