New PS SCT245 PG Day


PRS Enthusiast
May 11, 2012
Boston, MA
This is mostly a plug for DFD at WWG and the PS team. Great Job Doug and PS team!
Gratuitous pron below (some of these have been seen on PSF)


Sc 245 trem
narrow 408 with siggy switching
chaltecoco neck
African Blackwood board and HS veneer
mammoth ivory purfling and bird outlines with Black Lip MOP birds
11.5" FB radius with DGT frets
Satin Pattern neck

Sounds as expected and the neck specs really fit my hand like a glove. The slightly flatter radius feels great for bends

Wicked Top!

Satin smooth neck

Sweet blackwood FB and birds, Thanks to those who convinced me to go with ABW for the fretboard!

Thanks everyone, the compliments should go to the PS team. It is still remarkable to me how the PRS factory can put out such consistently superb instruments. I really feel blessed to be able to play these. I wish that my abilities were up to par for these instruments, but I'll settle for the simple tonal pleasure they bring me.
Sexy. Beast.

Got another shot of the entire neck? That purfling and those inlays, wow! Welcome to the ABW fan club.
Very nice. I wish PRS offered the 11.5" radius as a standard option!

If that sounds a fraction as good as it looks, you have reached tonal nirvana. Congrats!