New Member

I appreciate the nice comments directed to my wife.

She's amazing; doesn't give me any problems with gear purchases at all! Of course, I'm the type that could be happy with 1 good guitar and amp. You wouldn't know it by the gear in my sig tho...:laugh:
Merry Christmas indeed...there is finally a used DGT within 50 miles of me, so maybe sometime within the next week or so I will plan a "field trip: ;) the call of the DGT is indeed a strong one. She's a beauty! Congrats, your other guitars will continue to become jealous. Mine did, so I had to sell the non-PRSes to fund more PRSes...
Welcome and congrats on the DGT! That color with the natural wood is stunning. I've been GASing for Red Plate amp for awhile now. Henry is very helpful and informative and just an all around nice guy. Now if if I could just scrape up a spare three grand. ;)
Welcome and congrats on the DGT! That color with the natural wood is stunning. I've been GASing for Red Plate amp for awhile now. Henry is very helpful and informative and just an all around nice guy. Now if if I could just scrape up a spare three grand. ;)

three grand? Maybe for some of the Redplate models, but mine was far less!
Mine is a 1x12 TweedyDrive combo, 40 watts. Such a small footprint, Fender Champ width, but Princeton height. People see this little guy and have no clue how forceful it is! Just cranks.
i like it because the Master Volume makes it useful in almost any application. The built-in OD is excellent as well.

I agree about Henry - so willing to spend time talking about what you want / need. Highly recommend.
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Ya know, as i read through these comments i think about how much I'd love to have a dgt and cu22 soapbar and HB and SAS and 513 and 509 and Brent Mason and Bernie Marsden and on and on and on.

When I think Gibson I would like an SG or 335

When I think Fender I would like a tele

There are vintage guitars from all three of these manufacturers that would be killer but prs just makes so many different models that are to die for.

I can't say that Fender or Gibson have ever achieved that or maybe if they had prs might not have been established.

I just need a money tree so I can fill my prs list.

Welcome to the forum. I can't see the pic but BCB is a very nice color.