New Member


New Member
Dec 31, 2013
Hi, just wanted to introduce myself. I have played a few PRS guitars in the past, liked each, but evidently not enough to buy. That is, until I read about the DGT; sounded like it may fit my needs.

So the journey started...

Eventually I found one. Kinda waffled about buying, but have an incredible wife, who said "We work very hard for our money, and deserve some decent things. If you want it, Merry Christmas!" Wow.

So here it is. Blue Crab Blue 10 top from Wildwood. They were great to deal with and even gave a discount!

I'm liking this guitar so much the others are getting jealous!

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Damn, that's sexy!!! Congrats and welcome....there are A LOT of DGT fans here!!!
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Thanks for all of the well-wishes!"

seriously, my DGT is killer. Love the neck , and the split PUs can mimic either my 335 or Tele with ease.
thought I'd have an issue with the 11s but no problem at all. Plays like a dream.

Still deciding if I prefer my SFPR or RP amps, each has its advantage
Welcome aboard!

DGTs are great guitars. You'll have a blast with it - they can do just about anything. BCB is an awesome color - my AV is that color. It was a color that didn't excite me when I saw it on the web, but in person - gorgeous.

BTW - nice picking in the wife department!
Welcome and congratulations on an awesome guitar and an even more awesome better half, that looks outstanding!