My Man!!!!!
I Am So Proud Of You And Happy For You! You Did A Very Good Thing!!
Pretty sure my lovely wife will say "Baby, you did a bad, bad thing." Anyway, it gets here tomorrow finally after some weather related delays. I'll report back in a few days.
I sense some gear juggling, mainly my Mesa 1x12 open wide body cab and possibly the Fryette PS2
*may* go on the chopping block - mostly for space issues. The Mkv25 combo will probably stay for a while up to indefinitely. It does its thing well, and I suspect it has hit max depreciation already and should hold value kinda sorta until I figure out what I want to do. The Kemper manages consistent tone regardless the volume level for me, save for the Fletcher Munson "Louderer is betterer" effect. The UI and Rig manager software are perhaps dated and spartan (or perhaps not), but it all makes decent sense to me. The Helix stuff just didn't, which is weird, because I don't think it's all that different. Maybe just because I have a little more time around guitars and stuff now. The Kemper covers the bedroom playing needs well. The little mesa works well with a volume box in the loop to the point the Power Station *could be* redundant.
*IF* I were to trade in the little mesa for a different flavor, I'd want:
Small head and cab or small combo
20 to 50 watts OR larger, if it will play nice at home playing levels ~75 db
Reasonably light and transportable, say 35 lb or under. Maybe more if a head and a cab, each under 35 lb. No old man balls busted!
Probably, but not necessary a channel switcher. Could be clean or crunchy with gain stacking
Great clean without pedals
Great crunch, preferably without pedals (Marshall-ish or mesa-ish flavor?)
Option for higher distortion, either with or without pedals
The simpler the construction inside, the better. ideally chassis mounted sockets, turret board. Sort of the opposite of the MKv25 circuit boards, relays and ribbon cables.
-OR- a 100 watt Triple Crown
EDIT to add the used price would have to be on par with the used price of my Mkv25, so no 100 watt triple crown.
Last thought - can I get a line out from my mesa (such as from the PS2) into the Kemper, and then out either through an IR I import, or into the Power Kab and out using the speaker imprints? Seems I probably could; thesis more of a curiosity, and maybe a way of playin the mesa via line out without the CabClone analog cab sim.
Ok, enough. Some of this prattle is because this thread has proven really useful to me as a chronicle of my fits and spurts of GAS and rig building, and others' comments along the way.