My SE Mira is so stiff... do I dare go to 8.5s??


New Member
May 5, 2016
I have an S2 Mira with 9s thats slinky and my 2 Standard 22s get 9.5s but I swear I can barely bend with 9s on the SE, I have some relief in the neck Its really stiff, anyone ever go that low on a 25 inch scale??
I’ve had 8s on my 25” scale guitars. They definitely require a light touch. A good alternative is 8-46 which allows you to still hit the wound strings hard and bends on the unwound strings are a lot easier. I never struggled with bends on the wound strings though so don‘t mind the thicker wound strings.
Does the Mira have a stop tail bridge? Are you wrapping the strings over? I've heard that sometimes this can be a problem.
I put 8.5s on the Mira and yes Tim is a wraparound stoptail, it plays pretty good gonna try them for a week or two, def slinkier and def sound different but it least its a breeze to play now!