Modding my Standard 24 S2 - Part 1


May 8, 2012
Tampa Bay, FL
So I finally got around to swapping out the pickups in my S2 Satin t24 Standard oday. I have to say the stock pickups were really growing on me over the past month or so so I decided to build a complete new custom pickguard setup and swap it out straight away. I bought a new tort guard from PRS and loaded it up with CTS pots, Orange Drop tone cap, 180pf treble bleed cap, CRL 3 way blade switch, super mini toggle for coil-splitting and a Switchcraft jack. I had heard the the jack on these was suspect but when I pulled it out it was the same exact Switchcraft part that I use in my shop so that was a happy surprise. All in all the stock parts are high quality as is the overall build quality. The pickups I used are the classic Seymour Duncan Hot Rodded Humbucker set which is a Jazz neck with a JB bridge. I have had this combo before in other guitars and I dig it.

Here's the stock electronics and guard coming out:

A before shot:

And after the deed was done:


I haven't had a chance to really dig into it yet but judging by my preliminary run through it is clearer and bigger sounding. I am going to let it grow on me a but and then maybe I will swap it back and see how the stock setup compares. One thing about the stock setup is that I don't care for the push-pull setup. It is hard to get to and the knob is hard to get a grip on. I like the super mini toggle setup and have this in my other guitars so I already know it works for me. Hope you enjoy my pics. In the next phase I will install the John Mann tremelo upgrade kit with the brass block and saddles and screws. As soon as I can spare the $150. Prolly in a few weeks.
Many blessings!
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After having some time to play it a little it's pretty cool. The Jazz/JB set definitely adds some clarity over the stock 85/15s set but I wouldn't say it's better. The stock pickups are a bit more modern and seem a little hotter. The Duncans have that clear and loud thing going on and add midrange to the guitar. The JB is one of those pickups you either love or hate. I love it in a Strat with 250k pots. I'm not sure I love it in the all hog PRS with 500k pots. It's a cool change but I may try a 59/Custom Custom set in it down the road and see if that fits better. But for now, it's cool.
After having some time to play it a little it's pretty cool. The Jazz/JB set definitely adds some clarity over the stock 85/15s set but I wouldn't say it's better. The stock pickups are a bit more modern and seem a little hotter. The Duncans have that clear and loud thing going on and add midrange to the guitar. The JB is one of those pickups you either love or hate. I love it in a Strat with 250k pots. I'm not sure I love it in the all hog PRS with 500k pots. It's a cool change but I may try a 59/Custom Custom set in it down the road and see if that fits better. But for now, it's cool.
I guess it depends on what you play. What do you play?
So I'm thinking the 85/15s pickups are going back in. Anybody been there and back again? :)
I "might" try a Dimarzio Transition set just because I am curious.
What do you play?

I am loving the DiMarzio D-Activator X set on mine!
Classic Rock, blues, P&W. I've got a 59/CustomCustom set incoming so well see how that does. Honestly the JB is not bad but I just never got along with the Jazz neck. It's just a little bland for my tastes.