Mira S2 Hollow or Tremonti SE Question


New Member
Apr 28, 2012
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Kind of an odd question but anyone who knows me would figure I might wonder this.
I'm in between getting an SE Tremonti Custom, or a PRS S2 Mira semi-hollowbody. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a huge fan of the 5-way rotary switch. I like the sounds, and it just feels more comfortable then a blade switch.
My main guitar is my McCarty hollowbody for my bands songs that switch more between clean dirty while I use my CU24 for the straight heavier songs.
I always wondered how the HB would sound with a rotary but I wouldn't want to mangle the thing because it's my all-time favorite guitar. So I was curious, can the blade switch be converted to a 5-way rotary knob on an S2 Mira hollowbody? And if not can it be done with a Tremonti SE Custom?
Thanks for all ideas and input in advance :)
On the Mira, you would need a custom pick guard but I would say yes. The stock pickups are 4-conductor so they should hook up to a 5-way rotary. Keep the stock push-pull and you'd have lots of tonal options!
Sure you can with either. I think the Mira would be the more elegant option since you can just get a custom guard made up. It'll look like it was meant to be that way.

With the Tremonti, you'd have to decide where the rotary would go. It might look goofy up on the horn and maybe hard to use. So you'd have to figure out what do do with that empty hole (kill switch, maybe?).
Sure you can with either. I think the Mira would be the more elegant option since you can just get a custom guard made up. It'll look like it was meant to be that way.

With the Tremonti, you'd have to decide where the rotary would go. It might look goofy up on the horn and maybe hard to use. So you'd have to figure out what do do with that empty hole (kill switch, maybe?).

I was actually thinking with the rotary on a Tremonti to go in the place of the bridge tone control, not where the pickup selector switch is since I'm more inclined to use the tone for the bridge over the neck.
I haven't worked on a PRS hollowbody but if you have to wire it through the F-holes like a 335, you probably wouldn't be able to fit a rotary switch through there.

There's nothing but a big hole underneath the bridge pickup, so plenty of room to drop stuff in. I think it would have to go in the hole where the tone control normally goes, which will leave you trying to figure out what to do with the old selector switch hole, which is recessed slightly. The clearance between the switch hole and the side of the body is pretty tight.

I was actually thinking with the rotary on a Tremonti to go in the place of the bridge tone control, not where the pickup selector switch is since I'm more inclined to use the tone for the bridge over the neck.

That would make sense. I'd do a master tone.

I really like the standard Tremonti SE, and when I look at those I envision a kill switch on the horn, with master vol, master tone, three way toggle, and... something else... :confused:. I guess a toggle to split the coils. I lean a little more towards springing the extra dough for a Starla, so I could just swap the blade for a toggle on the guard and be done.
There's nothing but a big hole underneath the bridge pickup, so plenty of room to drop stuff in. I think it would have to go in the hole where the tone control normally goes, which will leave you trying to figure out what to do with the old selector switch hole, which is recessed slightly. The clearance between the switch hole and the side of the body is pretty tight.

That would make sense. I'd do a master tone.

I really like the standard Tremonti SE, and when I look at those I envision a kill switch on the horn, with master vol, master tone, three way toggle, and... something else... :confused:. I guess a toggle to split the coils. I lean a little more towards springing the extra dough for a Starla, so I could just swap the blade for a toggle on the guard and be done.

Your right, Master Tone makes a ton more sense and I feel idiotic for not thinking that :p
Good idea on the Starla too
I have an Se Tremonti Custom being modified as we speak. I went with a Bourne blend pond in place of the 3 way switch, independently wired RS high spec volume pots, and had the the tone controls made push pull for coil tapping. My first experiment in having a rotary switch wired into an SE singlecut didn't sound well. I expect this one to give me all the rotary tones once I figure out where they are. I'll let you know how it sounds.