LOOK AT THIS!! PS #1 comes back from PRS!

Nutty, nutty top.

Its so 3 D in person.. When you have it on your lap, it seems you can stick your finger right into it about an inch and a half. I broke my right index finger a few days after I got it trying just that. :mad:
I'm just glad you're talking about the top on the guitar Tag...! :vroam:

In all seriousness I get what you mean... I've seen some pics on this forum and elsewhere and the tops really do look 3D or like you're looking at th a pool or the sea. Just want to dive right into some of those guitars. Really dig the neck on that guitar too!
I'm just glad you're talking about the top on the guitar Tag...! :vroam:

In all seriousness I get what you mean... I've seen some pics on this forum and elsewhere and the tops really do look 3D or like you're looking at th a pool or the sea. Just want to dive right into some of those guitars. Really dig the neck on that guitar too!

Ha! I know this is a PRS forum, and they have some of the best wood for sure, but the woods on my old Buscarino Virtuoso were the best I have ever seen. You could get sea sick looking into the quilt. I have never seen anything like it, and the one above has some SERIOUS depth to the quilt. Sitting next to the Buscarino, it appeared average. I messed up on the Pomegranate guitar, and should have ;left that natural. That piece of wood was very close to the Buscarino, (maybe just as good) but the dark maroon color they put on at first killed it. Its better now, but still no where near what it was raw. :mad: I LOVE the top on that guitar though, and thank PRS for getting it WAY better than it was at first, for no charge to me. Quilt like that actually inspires me to play better.
