swaped the Dragon I for SD Pegasus...what a different sound. Better? could not say, because they just do different jobs. Surely, sounds more open, "modern" if you put it someway, where Dragon sounds wooly and huge, but sometimes too much,specially on digital gear. I also hear -wooden ears warning here- more definition, more dinamic range and surprinsingly find it behaves pretty well with Dragon neck pup. Neck sounds warm, pretty much like bridge Dragon, but the middle and in between sounds more articulate, less compressed and more balanced TO ME at least. Problem now is that the cable coding is different and have grounding issues so noise has increased. Did flipped the magnet on the SD so has to be one of the ground cables not going where it should.
So, in short:
-SD Pegasus sounds bright,defined,"modern"
-Dragon I bridge sounds big, compressed,warm and ballsy,"80's"
Nice! Glad the new rotary helped.
Btw, if the Dragon 1 has to fly, lets say I know an interested party *points at self*.
hahaha, as much as i would love to recover the money i invested in the new pickup, i think i will keep it in case i need to sell the guitar (let's hope that never happens) but we all know that we pay more for a used PRS with original parts :sorry: