I own one of these PRS guitars; it’s a solid body from the first batch that comes with a Type-D neck and a DS-01 bridge pickup. Does anyone know what gives it such a clear and crisp sound, even with high gain? This has never happened to me with any other guitar. I’ve played and still play with a Gibson Studio with Gibson 57 pickups, a Fender Telecaster Troublemaker Limited Edition, and even a PRS Custom 22, and none of them have the note clarity, even when playing open chords with high gain. I’d love for the other guitars I mentioned to have that clarity. Compared to the others, this one has the strings set a little higher, similar to how I set them on my Telecaster. Does that affect it? Although, the Telecaster still doesn’t reach the clarity of the Vela. What I have noticed is that its tone is somewhat more midrange-heavy than the other guitars I mentioned, because when I engage my Ibanez TS9, the mids are much more pronounced compared to the other guitars. One thing that doesn’t quite sit right with me is that on the neck pickup, when adding gain and trying to do string bends while playing another string, the definition is lost, and it sounds very fuzzy, which doesn’t happen with a typical single-coil like a Stratocaster pickup.