Fret sizes and crowning


New Member
Oct 25, 2019
Sorry if there’s a thread for this already but I couldn’t find one too recent so I thought it’d be OK to start a new one about not just frets but also any special crowning that’s model-specific.

I know standard PRS fret wire is Jescar and equivalent to Dunlop 6150 in size, right?

The DGT and Santana use true Jumbo wire equivalent to 6100 and on the DGT the ends slope less to make up for the narrower board - more real estate across the neck.

The Silver Sky uses what I’ve seen referred to as “Acoustic” wire but it basically feels like thin vintage Fender wire but a little taller. The necks on the SS were made to feel refretted - anything special with the crowning here?

The 594 is where I get confused. I can’t confirm if it uses standard 6150 or 6100 with the tops sanded flat for a vintage feel.

The 513 also uses different frets, right?

Again I’m interested in not just fret size but any special finishing notes from model to model.