

Authorities leave it.....unsolved
Jan 21, 2015
Suburban Chicago
I have a little issue going on with my fingertips. They seem really dry, or lacking of oil. I started noticing it last winter, especially after a shower. Just the last joint of each finger on both hands. They never get dry and cracked and, after an hour, or so, they feel "normal" again. I've been using CeraVe lotion as recommended by my dermatologist, which seems to help. I know, what's this got to do with guitar!

So here's where the guitar comes in. I'm playing yesterday and after about 20 minutes I'm thinking "man, these strings feel grungy". Can't be, they've only been on a week. Grab another guitar and those strings feel the same way. I look at my fingers, rub them together a little bit, and notice that "just out of the shower" dry feeling. It's not the strings, it's my fingers and that lack of oil.

Anyone ever experience anything like this? Got any suggestions? I brought it up to the dermatologist back in March, who sent me off to see a Rheumatologist. He didn't find anything. I really don't want to start using Finger Ease.
I've got pretty bad psoriasis at times, flares up during high stress times, every knuckle on my hands. Beyond the knuckles, it also effects my fingertips, sometimes they crack enough to keep me off the guitar for a day or two. Dryness? I've lived with that for decades, some guys who sweat a lot wish they had your problem. Grungy? I always wash my hands before playing, could it be from the lotion you're using? Finger ease?, I keep a Fastfret around to rub on my strings. Works OK I guess.

As long as they are not cracking & bleeding or preventing you from playing you're still in decent shape. Sad truth is, as we age our skin doesn't repair itself as well as in our youth, part of life I reckon. Being a fishing hobbyist, my hands get beat up anyway so I just trudge on, and that's been a balancing act I've had for a long time. One thing I have learned is to put lotion on my hands before bed when I do, and not during the day. That way I get the benefits of the moisturizing and be able to keep my hands dry & clean throughout the day. I find that works for me.

I'm overthehill so I'm a little accepting of this aging skin crap but I've been reading that diet is a big factor, I'm considering backing off the chili sauce and spicy foods:( as I've read that has an affect. more spicy wings?!!!:mad::eek::confused::oops::(
I have problems during cold stretches of winter. Mine get so dry, I'll be playing and they crack and start bleeding. I had to start putting some of the wifey's magic lotion on them. That makes the dryness go away but softens them more than I'd like, but, makes them smell really pretty:D.
I'm in this club as well. I find that moisturizing right after the shower helps to ward off the dryness before I happens. As mentioned above, before bed is a good time too, as we can become dehydrated at night. The trick is learning the times to use lotion to keep your hands from getting so dry, rather than trying to play catch-up when it happens.
I agree with the benefit of putting some moisturizer on right after a shower (I use a hemp cream from the body shop).

In the winter they can get dry enough that they are prone to splitting, BUT if I play more guitar that is less likely to happen. It seems that reminding the fingertips that they have a job to do encourages them to nourish themselves from the inside.
No, seriously, I moisturize with Olevano hand cream, made out of olive oil. But I wouldn't do it right before I played the guitar. Maybe right after or perhaps 6-12 hours before...
My wife has some expensive coconut oil stuff she rubs on. Started using it about a year ago. The dogs wear the poor girl out every single night after she gets out of the shower. They will not leave her alone after she puts that stuff on. Come to think of it, neither do I!
Thanks for the replies and suggestions fellas. I'll try a couple of things out. I also found a couple of things:

A lotion for guitar players developed by a guitar playing dermatologist called Guitar Hands

Something called Originail Guitar Fingertips - think Tony Iommi only for guys that actually have fingertips. I think Clapton may have actually used something similar when recording his most recent CD. Sure looks like it in some of the pics I've seen.

At any rate, they're both cheap, so I ordered the lotion and some fingertips!
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Coconut oil.

Seriously, that stuff is amazing as a moisturizer and you can eat it!

It's a floor wax AND a dessert topping!