Core acoustics


Award winning tattoo artist ... Amateur guitarist
Nov 5, 2018
I know I probably could have just looked this up, but are there core acoustic options? Or is there only SE and then Private Stock?
After years of wasting money on the guitar merry-go-round, I stopped looking at other acoustic guitars once I got my PS acoustic. That was in 2013. I'm still 200% satisfied with it.

I figure I saved enough from not buying high/selling low in that 6 1/2 year period that my PS was literally a bargain.
I'd love to spring for a PS acoustic, but I gig just as much if not more with my acoustics than I do electrics, and I'd be totally paranoid someone would damage it while hanging on a stand or some other random action. That's why I picked up a couple of SE acoustics: good enough for gigging in pubs, not the end of the world if Something Bad Happens.

So I keep my eye out for a bargain Core acoustic, but none have quite captured my interest yet.